News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
September 20, 2019

Throwback Thursday

Head on over to our Facebook page for a photographic collection of our early history — complete with difficult to recognize building features, incredible hairstyles and clothing, and who knows what else we will dig up! Play along and see if you can spot anybody you know, and don’t forget to like our page if […]

September 20, 2019

Volleyball Team

Do you enjoy playing volleyball? Would you like to put together a Berkey team? If so, contact Jenny in the office this week for an application to join a local church league.

September 13, 2019

Berkey Prayer Circle

The Prayer Circle will not be meeting this Monday, September 2. However, the group of three to five people normally meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through […]

September 13, 2019

Adult Sunday School Classes

Sunday School classes for adults resume this Sunday and there are many options for you to choose from. We hope you will join us. Fall Quarter Adult Class Options: Death and Dying class – Sanctuary. This quarter-long elective will cover topics such as our theology of the afterlife, grief, end of life decisions and funeral planning. […]

September 13, 2019

Cheese Booth Sign-up and More

The relief sale is just around the corner, and we need your help. There are many ways to help the 52nd Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale be a huge success. Please consider one or more of the following: Volunteer a shift in the cheese booth. Sign-up today! Bake for the bake sale. (Baking pans are located on […]

September 13, 2019

Berkey Work Day

Monday, September 16, we are going to have a work session at Berkey to clean windows. Bring a pail, rags, sponges, squeegees, and a step ladder if you can. We want to start at 6:30 pm. and would like to clean all the windows if we have enough people.

September 13, 2019

Webinar at Berkey

A group is being formed to attend a September 17 webinar in our sanctuary. This will be the first of a three-part webinar series from MC USA, Putting Jesus on the Ballot: Anabaptism and American Politics, led by Scott Peterson, leadership pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Arizona. Learn more and register. Contact Bob Gerber if you […]

September 13, 2019

Fall Fest

Plan to come to our annual Fall Fest on Saturday, September 21, 5:00 p.m. Special guests, The Eighth Day, a GC student group, will be playing. Bring a salad and dessert to share, lawn chairs or blankets to sit on and yard games. Meat and beverages will be provided. This fun event is intended to […]

September 13, 2019

CVLI License

Berkey owns a Church Video License (CVLI) to show select movies in church. If you plan to show a video or movie,  follow the instructions here to check its coverage, or go to the CVLI website to learn more.

September 13, 2019

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who participated in the blood drive that Berkey hosted on September 6. We had 27 donors, 11 first time donors, 24 units collected, all of which provided the potential for 72 lives to be saved. A special thanks to Sue Byler for the homemade cookies.

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