First Aid Kit
Berkey now has a first aid kit, located in the hallway between the men and women’s bathrooms. The kit contains over 900 essential medical supplies including eyewash, antiseptic spray, burn spray, antiseptic wipes, alcohol prep pads, antibiotic ointment, ammonia wipes, bandages and much more. If you need to use the tweezers or scissors, we ask […]
Financial Report
The November finance report is now available on Berkey’s website for you to view. You will find the “Financial Reports” page under the Resource tab. The page is password protected. We would like all regular attenders to have access to the page so if you have forgotten the password, please contact the office.
First Aid Kit
Berkey now has a first aid kit, located in the hallway between the men and women’s bathrooms. The kit contains over 900 essential medical supplies including eyewash, antiseptic spray, burn spray, antiseptic wipes, alcohol prep pads, antibiotic ointment, ammonia wipes, bandages and much more. If you need to use the tweezers or scissors, we ask […]
Supporting our Mennonite Schools
Berkey students attending Mennonite schools continue to be blessed with your financial support. Your contribution to one of our designated education funds provides ongoing support for our current students and also insures future opportunities for the growing number of children in our congregation. Here are two ways that you can help: 1. Bethany Christian Schools: […]
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