The Joy of Giving: Children’s S.S. Offering
Beginning March 1, offering will be collected during our children’s nurture hour. The goal is for children to share some of their money or allowances with other people, who really need clean water. (We will support the 2020 Mennonite Central Committee Water Project.) Parents and Grandparents, please try to guide children to have their coins, […]
Thank You from MCC
As we begin our centennial year, on behalf of the 453 partners of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in 53 countries around the world, we thank our friends and supporters at Berkey Ave. Mennonite for the many ways you assist in the relief, development and peace work of MCC. We recognize the value of your prayer […]
Credit Card Donations
Thank you to those of you who have designated Berkey as the recipient of your Everence “MyNeighbor” credit card donations. Berkey received approximately $900 in donations from Everence last year as a result of individuals who use Everence’s MyNeighbor credit cards from Everence Federal Credit Union. A portion of each credit card transaction amount is […]
Bear One Another’s Burdens
In Galatians 6 Paul tells us to “carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” At Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship our Stephen Ministers have been trained and organized to do just that. They provide one-to-one care, prayer, and support to those who are going through a challenging time. […]
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