Lent Worship Theme
“What the World is Like. . .” The forty days of Lent commemorate the forty days that Jesus fasted and was tempted in the wilderness. This is a season of prayer, fasting and repentance, a time to re-center ourselves on God’s will and the coming of God’s reign. This year, our Lenten worship theme is […]
Berkey Workday for Center for Healing & Hope
Berkey’s Volunteer Workday for Center for Healing & Hope will be on April 23, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Center for Healing & Hope is located at 400 W Lincoln Ave, Goshen. Park behind the building in the parking lot. Tasks will include picking up/raking leaves, cutting back grasses and pruning bushes, pulling weeds, getting flower […]
Missions: Action Calendar
For the months of March & April, the mission commission is focusing on our congregational support of local health organizations serving vulnerable and marginalized groups in our community. We invite you to join together as we learn, act and pray. Please consult our March & April mission calendar for more information.
Update from COVID Response Team
Safety Precautions for In-Person Worship:Self-monitoring: If you or a family member is experiencing any symptoms consistent with a COVID-19 infection and have not had a negative test result, please choose to remain home and to participate via Zoom.Masks: Masks are recommended for anyone who is at a higher risk for serious illness, have people at […]
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