Sharing Your Joys & Concerns
Want to share your joys and concerns with the congregation for prayer? For this Sunday, please email Dan Schrock by 2:00 p.m. today (Friday the 27th). In future newsletters, you will find this information in the right-hand column under the “Prayer, Praise & Thanks” section and also “Our Worship” section.
Sunday Services at Home
Before Sunday, Berkey attenders will receive a Zoom link to the morning service. This week our worship service will be a mix of live worship with some recorded elements. Before 9:30 a.m. Sunday, make yourself a cup of coffee, light a candle to symbolize the presence of Christ, and click on the link we’ll email […]
Office Hours
Given Governor Holcomb’s stay-at-home order, the office staff will mostly work from home in the coming weeks. If you want to contact the pastors, do so as usual by emailing or calling them at their phone numbers listed in the directory. If you want to contact Jenny Hooley, use her regular office email or call her at […]
Keeping in Touch Letter
Look for our new weekly letter, “Keeping in Touch” every Wednesday in your email. Unlike the newsletter, it will not be published on social media; it will only be sent to regular attenders. The letter will include two sections: A short meditation from one of our pastors. Sharing from you and other Berkey attenders. Sharing […]
A Note from our Everence Stewardship Advocate
For many years Everence has had a program that supports our Agape fund in helping to cover unexpected financial obligations for congregational members who need additional help. Often, though not always, these are related to medical expenses. Phil Bauman, who had been the Everence Stewardship Advocate, has recently turned this task role to John Roth. […]
Financial Contributions
How can you continue to support the congregation financially? It’s simple. The Stewardship and Finance Commission suggests that you mail your check to the church (2509 Berkey Ave., Goshen, IN 46526), where it will be counted each week. You can also give automatically from your account to the church’s account at First State Bank. Here is […]
Letters to Each Other
One way that our church family can stay connected is by sending cards and letters to each other. It is not clear how long COVID-19 lives on paper, although current information suggests 24-72 hours. Please use caution and follow these tips: When sending mail: Wash & dry your hands thoroughly with soap & water before […]
Sunday In-Person Services Cancelled
This week, The Centers for Disease Control recommended that gatherings of over 50 people be canceled for the next 8 weeks. Following that guideline, Berkey’s in-person Sunday services will be canceled through May 10. Of course, if the CDC were to change its recommendations at any point, we could adjust this plan accordingly. As we […]
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