Call for Cleaning Volunteers
We need volunteers to clean or help clean the church for the weekend of February 15-17 and give our regular custodians a break. This would be a good job for a family, small group, or one or more individuals. If you’re able to help, please contact a member of the Stewardship and Finance committee: Ben […]
Lighting Candles During Services
During our Advent-Epiphany worship services, the practice of lighting candles and singing as an act of prayer proved popular. We were surprised at how many children, youth, and adults went forward during the congregational prayer to light candles—about 50 people each Sunday. This way of praying involves the vocal, visual, and verbal, as well as […]
Church Directory
The first draft of the 2013 congregational directory is on tables in the fellowship hall. Please take time to review the following items: If you prefer not to have your information in the directory, please cross it out. If something about you or your family isn’t in and you’d like it to be, please add […]
Agape Committee Member Needed
Needed: someone to serve on the Agape Committee. The Agape Committee responds to the mutual aid needs of people in our congregation and helps the congregation promote mutual aid practices. The committee specializes in handling short-term physical and financial needs. Meetings are held as needed and some business is done via email. This committee falls […]
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