News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
June 7, 2013

Wedding Shower Double Header

Fellowship Commission has scheduled “double” wedding showers for two of our couples.  On June 23 during Fellowship Hour, we will celebrate the May 25th marriage of Simon Smucker and Rebecca Weaver, and the June 15th marriage of  Daniel Mast and Ally Christner.   Both of these will be card/money showers.  Cards will again be available for anyone who needs one.  We […]

June 6, 2013

High School Graduates Tea Reception

This Sunday, June 9, during the Fellowship time there will be a Reception Tea for our High School graduates.  All are welcome to share in greeting the grads and enjoying the refreshments provided by the Fellowship Commission.

May 31, 2013

Vacation Bible School

UPDATE: The Christian Education Commission is very appreciative of the support we have received from the congregation over the years in being able to provide Vacation Bible School for our children. For the past 3 years we have enjoyed partnering with Waterford Mennonite Church to offer VBS for children of both congregations. At our joint […]

May 31, 2013

Fall College Assistance

This fall our congregation will have 15 young people attending Mennonite colleges. Each student is eligible for assistance of $500 for the fall semester from our college matching fund. Giving to this fund is financially prudent because the colleges match all contributions dollar for dollar—plus you get a tax deduction on your contribution. Very few […]

May 31, 2013

2013-2014 Leadership Candidates

The Leadership Discernment Team (Steve Garboden, Bev Krabill, Anita Mounsithiraj, and Dan Schrock) recommend the following slate of candidates for 2013-14. On June 16 you will have a chance to affirm the following persons. (Terms are three years unless indicated otherwise.) Spiritual Leadership Team/Elders: Shirley Dick Caregiving Commission/Deacons: Doug Baker Christian Education Commission: Ruth Miller […]

May 31, 2013

Kit Assembly: School Supplies Needed

During our Discovering God Through Service Sunday School class on June 23, we will be filling school bags with school supplies for MCC.  Anyone interested in supporting this project is encouraged to bring supplies from the following list to the church anytime now until that day: 4 spiral or perforated notebooks, 70 sheets 8 unsharpened […]

May 31, 2013

Intergenerational Sunday School Program

Sunday, June 2 marks the beginning of our Summer Intergenerational Sunday School Program. Our Summer SS Goals include: Invite people of different ages in the congregation to interact and know each other by name. Affirm and encourage each other to take risks; everyone participates no matter what age or ability. Notice and name gifts of […]

May 30, 2013

New to the Library

This week we are featuring three new books. Stop by the library if you are interested in any of the following selections. Health, Healing and the Church’s Mission:  Biblical Perspectives and Moral Priorities by Willard M. Swartley The author critiques the current health care industry and persuasively offers an alternative insight into health and healing […]

May 24, 2013

Stephen Ministry Training Available

You’ve heard about Stephen Ministry now.  Maybe you have felt a tug to become a Stephen Minister or someone has tapped you on the shoulder to ask you to consider it.  Maybe the first training time just wasn’t good for you.  We invite you to consider becoming a Stephen Minister.  Stephen Ministers are trained to […]

May 24, 2013

Stephen Ministers Can Help with Life Transitions

Are you–or is someone you know–going through a transition in life? These transitions happen in all of our lives at one time or another. They include such things as the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, hospitalization, graduation from college, retirement, a move, the birth of a child. When transitions come, […]

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