News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
July 5, 2013

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Fellowship Commission is planning a “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” (surprise luncheon) for July 28. This is how it works: Families sign up to be either “hosts” or “guests”. The duties of the host family is to provide the home/space, and their part in the menu is to provide sandwiches for the lunch. They also […]

July 2, 2013

Newsletter Naming Contest

Help us choose the new name for the Berkey Avenue Weekly Newsletter! Thanks to everyone who submitted their ideas. Voting will be closed on Monday, July 8 at Noon. Please vote only once. Vote now! VOTING IS NOW CLOSED

June 28, 2013

Church Renovation Volunteers Needed – June 28 UPDATE

Friday, June 28th As of Monday night, the ages of our volunteers now spans 70 years (12 to 82). We have made some changes to our original plan. Some of the changes have reduced costs and others have increased expenses. Even with the changes, we are staying within our budget. General clean-up and moving construction […]

June 25, 2013

Volunteer Janitors Needed

We are looking for volunteers to fill in for our regular janitors to clean and prepare the church for Sunday Morning on July 21, 28, and August 4. This would be a good activity for a family, small group, or individuals.  Cleaning can be done during the week, or Saturday.  Tasks include preparing the Sanctuary and Sunday school classes for Sunday.  Cleaning […]

June 23, 2013

Church Renovation Fundraising Letter

Dear BAMF Family and Friends, Greetings. By now, many of you know that we are in the beginning phase of renovating parts of our church facility. We hope this comes as exciting news to all of us who regularly attend Sunday School, care for little ones in the nursery, need storage for our various commissions, […]

June 23, 2013

Gardening with the Enemy – Sermon Addendum

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare…For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a […]

June 13, 2013

BAMF Newsletter Naming Contest – Submit Your Entry

The Berkey Avenue weekly newsletter is getting rebranded!  Please submit your entry below.  Deadline to submit entries is July 1. Voting will begin on July 2nd and run for one week.  Get those creative juices going! Good luck! Newletter Name Submission ** submissions are no longer being accepted **   Please go to to […]

June 12, 2013

MCC Peace Booth Volunteers Needed at the Elkhart County Fair

How can our churches give witness to Jesus’ message of peace in a world saturated with the myth of redemptive violence? Join MCC Great Lakes and others in volunteering at the Peace Booth at the Elkhart County Fair. The fair runs from July 19-27. Organizers will supply the booth with a variety of information. If you are interested […]

June 7, 2013

Wedding Shower Double Header

Fellowship Commission has scheduled “double” wedding showers for two of our couples.  On June 23 during Fellowship Hour, we will celebrate the May 25th marriage of Simon Smucker and Rebecca Weaver, and the June 15th marriage of  Daniel Mast and Ally Christner.   Both of these will be card/money showers.  Cards will again be available for anyone who needs one.  We […]

June 6, 2013

High School Graduates Tea Reception

This Sunday, June 9, during the Fellowship time there will be a Reception Tea for our High School graduates.  All are welcome to share in greeting the grads and enjoying the refreshments provided by the Fellowship Commission.

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