News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
May 30, 2014

Biography of Ervin R. Stutzman

Ervin R. Stutzman is Executive Director for Mennonite Church USA. Before taking on this role in January 2010, he served for nearly 12 years as Dean and Professor of Church Ministries at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Harrisonburg, Va. He has also served the Mennonite Church in the roles of pastor, district overseer, missions administrator, conference moderator […]

May 23, 2014

Berkey Intergenerational Summer Classes

Berkey Intergenerational Summer Classes Ages 5-105 June, July, August Our first Sunday of intergenerational summer classes begins on June 1. There is no prior experience needed or expected for any of the classes. Just come and be ready to enjoy each other and experience God in unexpected ways. The classes are not sequential. Each Sunday […]

May 8, 2014

SST Reflections – Richard Aguirre and Judy Weaver

Recently, several Berkey college student attendees returned from their Study Service Term. Richard and Judy Weaver, who serve as site directors in Peru, offer some reflections as they receive their final group of students. Learning alongside students in Peru We’re spending about a year (July 2013 to August 2014) in Peru, leading groups of Goshen […]

April 29, 2014

Everence Medicare Supplement Plans

Please see Missy Kauffman Schrock to learn more about a special Everence offer that benefits our congregation for people who purchase an Everence Medicare supplement plan by July 31, 2014. Your participation not only helps you meet a personal need but creates funding that helps people experiencing financial hardships in our congregation as well as […]

April 24, 2014

SST Reflections – Malaina Weldy

Recently, several Berkey college student attendees returned from their Study Service Term. Below are some reflections. Malaina Weldy, Peru It’s so hard to sum up SST in a few sentences, or even a few paragraphs. There were a lot of ups and downs, but overall the experience was incredible and one that I wouldn’t change […]

April 23, 2014

Join the MYF Summer Service Trip

You are invited to join the MYF’s summer service trip to Colorado! The MYF is looking for several people to join our trip to Jamestown, CO (near Boulder) where we will be working with MDS the week of June 29-July 5. Construction experience is helpful but not necessary. You would be responsible to cover your […]

April 16, 2014

SST Reflections – Gretchen Geyer

This week saw the return of a few Berkey college student attendees from their Study Service Term. Gretchen Geyer, Peru For the past three months I have been living with two different host families studying and doing voluntary service in Peru. Prior to leaving I had some expectations that I would be pushed out of […]

April 2, 2014

Vacation Bible School

Summer Bible School will be held at College Mennonite Church on Tuesday through Friday, June 10 through 13, 2014, as a joint effort of six Mennonite congregations: Assembly, el Buen Pastor, College, Eighth Street, Faith, and Berkey Avenue. The coordinating committee of representatives from these congregations has begun planning for these four mornings from 9:00 […]

March 24, 2014

Health Centers Petition

Dear Friends: I am writing to extend an invitation to a call to action to help protect our nation’s Health Centers from a major federal funding cut. As of September 2015 all Federally Qualified Health Centers federal funding is scheduled to be cut by 70%! As Director of the Center for Healing and Hope I […]

March 12, 2014

Moral Circus Concert

The entire congregation is invited to an evening of music with Moral Circus in the Berkey  Avenue meetinghouse on March 19th, a Wednesday, at 7:00p.m.  You can read about Moral Circus on the Goshen Commons blog or access their music at  The band is made up of three talented Goshen College Seniors.  Feel free to contact […]

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