Preaching from the Narrative Lectionary
For the last few years, we’ve been using the Revised Common Lectionary as the basis for our sermons at Berkey. For the next period of time, we plan to use something called the Narrative Lectionary for preaching. What, you might be wondering, is a lectionary? A lectionary is simply a selection of scripture texts for […]
From the Deacons and Pastors
Here at Berkey, sharing time is an important way in which we connect with each other. It is a highly valued part of our congregational life by many people. Over the last number of years, the deacons (Caregiving Commission) have talked about sharing time: what its purpose is, how to improve it, how to best […]
Sabbatical Report
For many years our congregation has offered its pastors a twelve-week sabbatical every four years. According to our Handbook, pastoral sabbaticals have three purposes: Develop and enrich specific skills. Provide refreshing change and new experiences for the pastor. Provide time and space for reflection and a broader view of the congregation so that the pastor […]
On the Journey with Lutheran Brothers and Sisters: An Interview with John D. Roth
At its most recent meeting, the Executive Board asked Ervin Stutzman, executive director, to send a letter of greeting and Christian friendship to Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The letter recounts with gratitude the remarkable developments in Mennonite-Lutheran relations in the past fifteen years. It acknowledges ways Anabaptists, […]
Marriage Retreat: a Bicycle Built for Two
A Bicycle Built for Two is a hard-hitting comedy that takes a playful look at marriage, commitment, and divorce. It follows three couples at various stages in their relationships: a young couple, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed with their recent engagement, an aging pair of empty nesters who are trying to rediscover their marriage after some-odd 30 years […]
MYF Service Trip
MYF posing for a picture during their recent service trip. The MYF would like to thank the congregation for their prayer and financial support of our service trip to Jamestown, CO, the week of June 30. We were blessed to work with Mennonite Disaster Service and serve the community of Jamestown. Special thanks to those […]
Free Seminar for Congregations
IN-MI Mennonite Conference is sponsoring a free web/phone seminar on financial development for congregations. In just one hour, “Giving for a Change” will provide an overview of the current financial landscape, connect ministry to budgeting, and offer tips on the most productive steps for your congregation. Rich Gerig from Advancement Associates and Brad Miller from […]
Stephen Ministry Job Description
We are wanting to grow our Stephen Ministry program here at Berkey. In your mailboxes this week is a copy of the job description for a Stephen Minister. If you are feeling called to explore being a Stephen Minister, please look at the job description and see if the gifts and skills you have match […]
Intercultural Leadership Master’s Degree
Get a Master’s Degree in Intercultural Leadership from Goshen College, an 18-month unique and transformative program. Spots are still available for classes that begin June 23, 2014. The program is geared for mid-career working professionals, such as business managers, educators, health-care professionals and non-profit leaders. Applicants must be at least 25 years old, currently working, […]
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