MCC Meat Canning
Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship’s day to help with canning is Friday, January 9. Bring a sharp knife to cut the turkey into 1 inch cubes. Come in the morning or the afternoon. The preferred times are 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. If you cannot help on this date, canning will occur from January 8-10 and January 12-17. You may help […]
Membership Exploration Sessions
Are you interested in becoming a member at Berkey? Beginning January 11, Marilyn and Dan will begin hosting membership exploration sessions for adults during the Christian education hour. Our purpose is to become better acquainted with each other and with the congregation. It’s fine if you want to participate in the sessions but aren’t sure […]
Our Advent Worship Series
Advent begins this Sunday, and our focus will be on Mary. Each week we’ll look through a different “window” onto Mary’s experience as an astonished yet willing participant in God’s mission. The “windows” or aspects of Mary include:Advent 1: Perplexed Advent 2: Breaker of Codes Advent 3: Friend Advent 4: Theologian Christmas Eve: Mother 1st […]
Berkey Hosting GIHN
Our congregation will be hosting families who are homeless and part of Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network (GIHN) from November 30 – December 6. Thank you so much to all the many volunteers at Berkey for your ongoing commitment in serving with GIHN. ~ Sue Byler, Linda Liechty, Llorraine Pflederer, Ruth Roth (Berkey GIHN committee)
More New Sanctuary Chairs
The Coordinating Council is offering the congregation an opportunity to buy more new chairs for the sanctuary and to replace at least some of the older brown chairs. These new chairs will be identical to the 107 chairs that are currently in the front of the sanctuary. Our chair fund already has about $6,960, enough […]
Online Advent Devotions
As churches and individual Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, Goshen College will again offer an online spiritual resource to help believers make time and space in their hearts and minds to welcome Advent and celebrate Christmas. Beginning November 24 (the Monday prior to the first Sunday in Advent) and culminating on […]
IN-MI Conference: Administrative Team Update
As the leaves are done falling and the temperatures turn colder, we are making a transition in the conference office. Greg Sommers returned from his sabbatical in time to attend Pastoral Leadership Team Weekend at Amigo Centre November 7-9. Staff gladly welcomed him back at an all-staff retreat on November 10, also at Amigo Centre. […]
Congregational Potluck Meal and Meeting
We will have a congregational potluck meal this coming Sunday, November 16, following our morning worship! Bring a main dish, either a salad or a dessert, and your own table service. Join us also for the congregational meeting, which will follow after the potluck. The agenda for our meeting will include the following: • Approval […]
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