News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
March 6, 2015

New to the Library

This week we have added several selections in line with our Lenten theme. Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus – for young and old, lovers, husbands and wives, this is a book to learn to read with, or to comfort those who are dying or grieving. In the tale, the caterpillar heroes, Stripe and […]

February 25, 2015

Webinar with Allan Rudy-Froese

Join us on Tuesday, March 10, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. for a special webinar entitled “Living in the Belly of the Whale: What Jonah Teaches Us About Preaching” by Allan Rudy-Froese. The book of Jonah can teach the preacher about speech, prayer, telling stories, listening to God, humility, God’s sense of humor and more. Additional details […]

February 20, 2015

Congregational Meeting

The agenda for our congregational meeting this Sunday, February 22 includes: Approve the minutes of the November 16 and December 21 congregational meetings. Review financial reports for the last fiscal year (September 2013 to August 2014) and for the first third of the current fiscal year (September to December 2014). Paper copies of these reports […]

February 19, 2015

Congregation and Pastors Evaluation

Sometime during the day on Friday, February 20, you should receive an email with a link to an on-line evaluation of the congregation and the pastors. If you don’t receive this email, please contact someone in the church office, who will send it to you. The last major evaluation was 5 years ago, but since then […]

February 12, 2015

Faithfulness Under the Cross

If you missed “Faithfulness Under the Cross: Unity, Division and the Church,” a gathering held last Sunday at East Goshen Mennonite Church and sponsored by the Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference, you can watch it here.

February 11, 2015


Lent Lent begins on February 22. During this time, we will have a worship series on “The Rituals of Loss and Remembrance” in which we examine our practices around loss, grief and death and dying. We recognize that each one of us experiences losses of many kinds throughout our lives, some of which mark us […]

February 5, 2015

Invitation to the Table

Ben Mast is a writing intern for MennoMedia and Herald Press. He studies English and Writing Studies at Eastern Mennonite University. The release of the Mennonite Community Cookbook Monday got me thinking about my own background in Mennonite cooking. My grandparents’ house, just a mile away from where I grew up in Goshen, Indiana, has […]

January 30, 2015

From the Mission Commission

The Habitat For Humanity store, located at 2526 Peddler’s Village Rd., is moving one block north into the vacated Michiana Furniture Gallery Building on Rt. 33. This move will provide more space and visibility for the store. The Mission Commission has scheduled an evening service project to assist the Habitat Staff in preparing for this […]

January 16, 2015

Women’s Lunch Bunch Fundraiser

On February’s First Friday (February 6), the Women’s “Lunch Bunch” group will be preparing and serving the Meal served at The Window as a fund-raiser for The Window.  Every First Friday of the month they ask a “service group” to provide the meal for them. Our Women’s group did this last year and has again […]

January 8, 2015

World Fellowship Sunday

On Sunday, January 18, Mennonite congregations around the world will celebrate World Fellowship Sunday. Each year, on the Sunday closest to 21 January, Mennonite World Conference congregations are invited to remember the first Anabaptist baptism in 1525, an act of obedience and courage, which continues to shape our understanding of what it means to be […]

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