News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
June 26, 2015

Report from Indiana-Michigan Conference Annual Meetings

Beth Berry, Darin Short, Marilyn Rudy-Froese, and Dan Schrock were our congregation’s delegates to this year’s IN-MI Conference meetings in Indianapolis. You might want to know about four things. 1. Changes in affiliation. Six congregations have decided to withdraw as members of conference: Stutsmanville Chapel, Naubinway Christian Fellowship, Rexton, and Germfask, all in northern Michigan; […]

June 5, 2015

Hosting GIHN

On the week of June 21-28 our congregation will be hosting GIHN guests. Thank you to all the volunteers who are part of this ministry. Please check the schedule on the church door to confirm your date and time. If you have any questions, feel free to talk with one of the GIHN coordinators (Sue, […]

June 5, 2015

Learning Tour to Bolivia

The Mission Commission is in the early stages of planning a Learning Tour to Bolivia to visit Simon and Becca Smucker, Hannah Canaviri and Gretchen Geyer. We are planning for a June 2016 trip, specific dates and details to be determined. At this point, we wanted to make you aware of this so you can […]

May 22, 2015

Mission Commission: Personal Items Drive

During the month of June, the Mission Commission is sponsoring a Personal Items Drive for the Elkhart County Women’s Shelter. The Elkhart County Women’s Shelter is the only domestic violence shelter in Elkhart County. The shelter is open 24 hours a day, 365 days per year to provide crisis intervention and safe shelter for victims […]

May 22, 2015

Pre-convention Prayer Retreat

Pastors, delegates and others interested in MCUSA are invited to a pre-convention prayer retreat on Saturday, June 6, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Waterford Mennonite Church. The purpose of the retreat is to recognize that we are all part of God’s church and because of that assurance, we can lay our fear and anxiety […]

May 14, 2015

How can we be Silent?

A letter from Ervin Stutzman and Elizabeth Soto Albrecht How can we be silent as we turn our eyes away and ignore the poor and broken who lie bleeding in the street? How can we be silent when we’re called to heal and serve in the image of Lord Jesus who has stopped to wash […]

May 8, 2015

Congregational Meeting Rescheduled

The congregational meeting scheduled for May 17 has been cancelled but will be rescheduled for June 14.  It will be immediately after the worship service and it should last 15 minutes.

April 24, 2015

Summer Bible School

Everyone should have received forms in their mailboxes for participating in Bible School this summer. The dates are June 8-11 from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. each day.  All forms are due back to Deb Williams by May 3. There are forms for registering children age 3 – grade 6. There are also many volunteer opportunities […]

April 24, 2015

Church and Berkey Ave. Spring Cleanup Projects

The Mission Commission has scheduled a spring cleanup at the church on Wednesday May 6th. Pizza and drinks will be provided for those coming to work at 5:30 pm with the work beginning around 6:00 p.m.  One group will work on the church grounds while another group will pick up debris along Berkey Avenue. Cleaning supplies […]

April 17, 2015

To Hunger and Thirst, But not for Crocodile

At a recent family gathering my brother and I, slightly bored and looking for amusement, surfed the internet for exotic cuts of meat that we joked we might cook for a family meal. Armadillo, anyone? Puffin soaked in fresh goat’s milk? Zebra leg roast at $100 a pound? Idle diversions aside, this incident shows how […]

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