News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
December 11, 2015

Christmas Caroling

The Mission Commission has scheduled an evening to sing Christmas carols to the elderly and other persons from our congregation on Wednesday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m. Anyone interested in singing is invited to join in spreading some Christmas cheer. We plan to meet at the church and arrange for car pooling, distributing music, etc. […]

December 11, 2015

Christmas Nurture Hour Program

During the Nurture hour this Sunday, December 13, all Sunday School classes will meet in the sanctuary for a Christmas program. The hour will begin with the primary children presenting a Christmas play, followed by a Christmas hymn sing and assembling of Infant Care Kits for MCC.

December 4, 2015

Creation Care at Berkey

Did You Know? Over the last five years, Berkey has done many things to care for creation in more responsible ways. Here’s a list. To save energy: Insulated the floor under the sanctuary Purchased a more efficient refrigerator Removed incandescent bulbs from the sanctuary and library, and replaced them with fluorescent bulbs Installed “smart” thermostats […]

November 27, 2015

New Nurture Class

A new class entitled Women’s Circle: Tending Our Souls will be offered both winter and spring quarters. The focus of this nurture hour offering is on tending—listening to our souls, the Spirit, and each other—and through these practices, in a setting of safety and confidentiality, to grow as women of faith. The hour will begin […]

November 20, 2015

Advent Giving Project

Our theme for Advent this year is “Incarnation,” and ways we experience God’s presence among us. To celebrate with our giving the very real way God became human, the Mission Commission and Advent Committee invite you to donate supplies for MCC Infant Care Kits. Several women in our congregation have donated hand-knit hats for all […]

November 13, 2015

Potluck Meal

This Sunday we are having a potluck meal. Everyone is invited to come for a time of fellowship and to eat together. Please bring a main dish and either a salad or a dessert, as well as your own table service.

November 6, 2015

Congregational Meeting

Our next congregational meeting is Sunday, November 15, following a potluck dinner. The agenda for our meeting is: 1. Approve minutes of the August congregational meeting. 2. Look at financial reports (the final report for fiscal year 2014-15, and the report for the current fiscal year to date). 3. Hear a summary of what the […]

October 30, 2015

Fall Back

Daylight Savings time ends Sunday, November 1, at 2:00 a.m. Remember to turn your clocks back one hour on Saturday evening so that you come for Worship at the correct time.

October 30, 2015

Learning Tour to Bolivia

Missions Commissions has been in conversation with Becca and Simon Smucker and MCC about a Learning Tour to Bolivia. We were hoping to go in June of 2016, but due to transitions in personnel at MCC Bolivia, we need to postpone the trip. It will most likely happen in 2017. In the meantime, we are […]

October 16, 2015

Comforter Bash

You are invited to join the BAMF Lunch Bunch Group to participate in a Comforter Bash! If you would like to go with the Lunch Bunch Group contact anyone from the group or Sue Byler who is coordinating this project for BAMF. The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Great Lakes Comforter Bash is on Friday and Saturday, October 23-24. […]

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