News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
August 21, 2020

Hosting Interfaith Hospitality Network

It will be our turn to host Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network (GIHN) August 30 – September 5. Because they are still on “lock down” GIHN is requesting that churches provide casseroles that are frozen and can be reheated. We are asking you to sign up to bring a casserole to St Mark’s UMC that is […]

August 21, 2020

My Coins Count

Continue to collect your coins and cash for MCC’s My Coins Count. Or, consider a matching grant. Berkey children and teens are invited to participate by raising money for the project. Parents may want to suggest the monetary value ahead of time with age appropriate tasks, like two quarters, fifty cents or five dollars. Be creative […]

August 14, 2020

Sunday Worship Service at Home

Before Sunday, Berkey attenders will receive a Zoom link to the morning worship service and nurture hour classes. Our worship service will be a mix of live worship with some recorded elements. Before 9:30 a.m. Sunday, make yourself a cup of coffee, light a candle to symbolize the presence of Christ, and click on the […]

August 14, 2020

Congregational Meeting

We will have a short Zoom business meeting this Sunday, August 16 after worship. When the worship service ends, just stay on Zoom and we’ll start the business meeting right away.

August 14, 2020

Sunday School Classes

Two Sunday School classes are being offered this Sunday: Sermon Discussion Class, led by Dick Yoder. To participate in this class, remain on the worship link. The class will begin directly after the congregational meeting. Eat, Pray, Worship: Current initiatives from MCCN, led by Jennifer Schrock. This Sunday, we will experiment with worshiping outdoors in one or […]

August 14, 2020

Prayer Partners for Berkey Children and Youth

One of the ways we care for the children in our congregation is through prayer partners. This year, Ruth Roth has graciously written names of each Berkey child on a stone. If you are interested in becoming a prayer partner, please contact Ruth and she will deliver a stone to your front door. Keep the stone at […]

August 14, 2020

Hosting Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)

Our turn to “host” at IHN is coming up August 30-September 5. IHN is still in need of our help to provide meals for the guests although the procedure is now significantly changed. We are asked to provide freezer ready dinner and breakfast casseroles in disposable containers (9×13), at least one for each day; more […]

August 14, 2020

My Coins Count

Continue to collect your coins and cash for MCC’s My Coins Count. Or, consider a matching grant. Berkey children and teens are invited to participate by raising money for the project. Parents may want to suggest the monetary value ahead of time with age appropriate tasks, like two quarters, fifty cents or five dollars. Be […]

August 14, 2020

Office Note

Mark Schloneger will be out of the office from Tuesday, August 17 through Friday, August 21. If you have a pastoral need during this time, please contact Joanne Gallardo or Dan Schrock.

May 1, 2020

In-person services cancelled

Following the guidelines from The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Berkey’s in-person Sunday services will be canceled until further notice. As we adapt to new rhythms and routines in our life together, yet apart, may we grow towards being “Christ’s loving, caring, healing presence in the world.” 

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