Mary’s Musings
During Advent 2014, several people wrote “Mary’s Musings,” short meditations, imagining what Mary would have thought and felt. A new page on the Berkey website has been created so that you may read the musings and also view the charcoal of Mary that was used in the Advent series. You will find the page under […]
Stephen Ministry Training Continues: Assertiveness
This coming week the Stephen Ministry training class will be considering the subject of “Assertiveness: Relating Gently and Firmly”. In this presentation they will be finding out the difference between passive, assertive, and aggressive behavior and gaining skills that will help both in relating with others and in affirming their own worth. We thank God […]
News from Mike Genau at Jubilee Partners
Please take time to read Mike’s update on the Mission’s bulletin board. Mike’s update provides information regarding his work, including descriptions of the Karen, a minority ethnic group from Burma. Mike describes this group as expert foragers whose written language “looks beautiful, organic and futuristic, like something out of Avatar.” Near the end of the […]
Congregational Meeting
Our winter congregational meeting will follow a potluck lunch on Sunday, February 21. The agenda includes: Approving minutes of the November 15 meeting. Reading and reflecting on our mission statement. Reviewing a financial report for the fiscal year to date. Hearing about repairs, upgrades, and improvements to our facility. Summary of what the Spiritual Leadership […]
New to Our Website
Visit the Berkey website to find two new pages under the Resource tab: 1. Creation Care: This page provides information about how we are caring for creation here at Berkey. There are also links on the page to learn more about our battery recycling program and to sign up for monthly e-newsletters from Mennonite Creation […]
MYF Service Trip Volunteers
We are looking for two adults (one male and one female) to accompany/lead the youth on their service trip this summer to DOOR Chicago. The trip will be July 3-8. While DOOR provides leaders for their portion of the program, we need adults who will be responsible for our group. All of your expenses will […]
Bryan Moyer Suderman Concert
All are invited to join in a fun evening planned by AMBS and hosted here at Berkey on Tuesday, January 26, at 6:00 p.m. Join Mennonite singer/songwriter Bryan Moyer Suderman for an all-ages concert. Bryan has been described as an Anabaptist Pete Seeger, with a gift for writing and leading songs that are simple, profound, […]
Stephen Ministry Training
An exciting adventure in learning and doing ministry began for 6 people from College Mennonite, Waterford Mennonite and Berkey Avenue on January 5. Trish Yoder is among these Stephen Minister trainees studying, discussing, experiencing, and trying out the skills involved in sharing God’s love and compassion with those who especially need these gifts. Let us […]
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