Stephen Ministry Training Continues: Confidentiality
This coming week, the Stephen Ministry trainees will learn the principles of confidentiality so that anyone who is ministered to by a Stephen Minister can be confident that any communication will be kept secret and private. We thank God for the continuing dedication of our Stephen Minister trainees and ask your continued prayers for them […]
Stephen Ministry Training Continues: Maintaining Boundaries
This coming week the Stephen Ministry training class will be considering the subjects of “Maintaining Boundaries in Caregiving” and “Crisis Theory and Practice: Danger versus Opportunity”. In these presentations they will be learning how to guard against being manipulated and how to recognize their own tendencies to foster dependency by doing too much. They will […]
Congregational Meeting
Our winter congregational meeting will follow a potluck lunch on Sunday, February 21. The agenda includes: Approving minutes of the November 15 meeting. Reading and reflecting on our mission statement. Reviewing a financial report for the fiscal year to date. Hearing about repairs, upgrades, and improvements to our facility. Summary of what the Spiritual Leadership […]
Update from Simon and Becca Smucker
Please take time to read Simon and Becca’s letter on the Mission bulletin board. In this letter they describe their day-to-day activities and church life. They say, “The church service is fairly similar to that of Berkey. We begin with songs… and one of the songs involves walking around and greeting those around you, while […]
The power of prayer is strong, and corporate prayer for others represents a healing ministry of the Holy Spirit. Such a ministry is being formed at Berkey. Meeting once a week, a small group of volunteer “pray-ers” will gather to lift up the joys, needs, and concerns of the Berkey Avenue community. Have you sensed […]
Lent Worship Series
This Sunday our Lent worship series begins, using the overall theme of “Living Ink: Embodying God’s Story.” This theme suggests that the physical ink of the Bible becomes living ink as we embody God’s story in our lives. By watching us, others can read the ways our lives convey something of Christ. A special component […]
Bryan Moyer Suderman CD
Bryan Moyer Suderman announces his new CD: “I’m very excited to announce that the new CD has arrived, and is available for purchase. You can read more about the album and purchase it here – I think it’s the most personal, the most raw, the most humorous, and perhaps the most hopeful and inspiring record […]
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