Stephen Ministry Training Continues: Telecare
This coming week the Stephen Ministry training class will be considering the subject of “Telecare: The Next Best Thing to Being There”. In this presentation they will be learning specific techniques that they will use in ministering to people by telephone. Those who are participating in Stephen Ministry training are excited about what they are […]
Thank You Note for College/Young Adult Meals
Thank you so much to everyone who signed up to host a Sunday meal for our College/Young Adult Class. Providing a Sunday meal has been a Berkey tradition for many years. Your time and delicious food expresses love and appreciation for our young people — and not least, these meals give us all a chance […]
Thank You Note from Pat Darling Miller
Many thanks to those who prayed for me, sent cards, visited, and fed my family the first few days following my stroke. The Lord is so good– not only was it a lite stroke, but in the process the Occupational Therapist diagnosed an inner ear problem which has given me dizziness and headaches for a […]
From the Leadership Discernment Team
We’re eager for your help in matching people’s gifts with opportunities in the congregation. On Monday, February 29, you’ll receive an email from the church asking you to nominate people in the congregation who have particular gifts for serving as commission members, youth sponsors, and delegates. You’ll also have a chance to nominate people during […]
Prayer Circle Update
The prayer circle participants met on Monday evening, February 22 for our first time of intercession for Berkey prayer requests. They will continue meeting each Monday night at 7:00 p.m. If you are still interested in joining, you are welcome to come to the small room off the Jubilee Hall (formerly Lois’s office) to join […]
The Mennonite
It is time to renew subscriptions for The Mennonite. If you would like to receive this monthly magazine, you will need to turn in your payment by March 6. The cost is $37.00. Checks should be made out to Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship and handed to Ruth Hathaway or placed in the treasurer’s mailbox.
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