News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
March 25, 2016

Service Project

The Mission Commission has scheduled a service project at the Window on Thursday, April 7, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. to sort through donations and do other tasks to assist the staff. There is a sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board by the mailboxes if you plan to volunteer. We will need to inform […]

March 18, 2016

Good Friday Service

The Good Friday Service will be held at 7:00 p.m. on March 25. The evening will start with foot washing in the fellowship hall then continue with a Taize style worship service in the sanctuary.

March 18, 2016

Easter Sunday

Everyone is invited to the Easter Sunday Breakfast, March 27. Breakfast will begin at 9:00 a.m.; the morning service at 10:00 a.m. Nurture classes will not be meeting. For our Easter breakfast this year, we are using to sign up for dishes to be shared. Please note that this is a different website than […]

March 18, 2016

Berkey House for Rent

The red house beside the church will be available to rent in April. It has 4 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms. The cost is $750 per month. Gas and electric are the responsibility of the tenant. We are offering a one-year lease with month-to-month rental after the first year. If you’re interested, please contact Lowell Nafziger, […]

March 11, 2016

Spring Forward

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 13. Remember to move your clocks forward one hour before going to bed Saturday night so that you come to Worship at the correct time.

March 11, 2016

Pastor’s Schedule

Pastor Marilyn Rudy-Froese is on retreat March 14-20, and will be back in the office on March 22.

March 11, 2016

Garden Plots

Plans are underway for this years garden plots. A plot is 12’ x 25’.  Manure is put on in the fall, the soil has been tested and treated, water is available, and the area is fenced in. Garden tools are kept in the barn and are available for you to use. If you would like […]

March 11, 2016

Care Package Request

MYFers are making care packages for college students on Wednesday, March 23. If you would like to add items to the care packages (baked goods, jams, games, etc), please drop them off in the fellowship hall between now and the  March 23 (unless items are perishable, then drop them off closer to the date). There […]

March 11, 2016

Life Stage Sunday School class: 30s and 40s

This spring there will be a new life stage Sunday school class with a focus on deepening relationships and exploring our faith with a (somewhat) consistent group of people in a similar life stage. The starting few are mostly in our 30s and we welcome others. We will study a variety of topics chosen and […]

March 4, 2016

SLT Minutes

The January Spiritual Leader Team (SLT) minutes are now posted on the Berkey website and you are invited to read them. Use the same password that you use for the Congregational Directory.

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