Service Project
The Mission Commission has scheduled a service project at the Window on Thursday, April 7, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. to sort through donations and do other tasks to assist the staff. There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board by the mailboxes. If you plan to volunteer, add your name to the list. […]
Stephen Ministry Training Continues: Closure
This coming week the Stephen Ministry training class will be considering the subject of “Bringing the Caring Relationship to a Close”. In this presentation they will be considering how the sometimes difficult process of bringing a caring relationship to a close can instead be turned into a relationship-strengthening event. As the Stephen Ministry training continues, […]
New to Our Library
Simple Pleasures: Stories from my life as an Amish mother, by Marianne Jantzi. Young Amish homemaker and author, Marianne Jantzi, invites readers into her family’s life and Amish community. The mother of four young children, Jantzi writes about her daily routines and heartfelt faith with equal measures of wit and warmth. Sewing, cleaning, cooking, gardening, […]
Conference Letter
Are you concerned about the tenor of the current presidential elections? The leaders of Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference have prepared a pastoral letter to others in the conference, calling us to “act like Jesus during this election cycle” in a climate of “overt racial, ethnic, and religious intimidation.” You can read the full letter here.
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