News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
April 29, 2016

Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday is May 22. You are invited to come for breakfast at 9:00 a.m. We will leave the church at 10:00 a.m. to caravan to Martin’s pond for the service. For your comfort, please bring chairs or blankets to sit on, mosquito repellent and sunscreen. Nurture classes will not meet.

April 29, 2016

Thank You from the Wengers

Ellie Wenger came home from the hospital last week and is doing well. She needs to stay away from crowds for 2 weeks so that she doesn’t get sick. Thanks for the balloon bouquet, cards and prayers. It means so much to have the support of our church family. – Sherry, Curt and Ellie Wenger

April 29, 2016

Thank You

Model School thanks us for our generosity and support. You are invited to read their thank you note, posted on the bulletin board by the mailboxes.

April 29, 2016

Mission Discretionary Fund

Our congregation’s mission discretionary fund is open for additional contributions. Administered by the Mission Commission, this fund helps to pay for financial needs in our community that may have no other source of funding, or may have only limited funding. A requirement is that someone at Berkey is personally acquainted with the need and can […]

April 29, 2016

New to Our Library

Everence has donated a new book to our library, Giving Together, by Carol A. Wehrheim. Reminding us that stewardship is about much more than money, Wehrheim clearly illustrates a more holistic understanding of the concept to include careful consideration of the choices we make that show the role Christian discipleship plays in our lives. This […]

April 22, 2016

Kenyan Tea Fundraiser

Sunday, May 1, the Metekai’s small group (Metekais, Bullers, Smuckers and Horsts) invite you to a Kenyan Tea Fundraiser between the worship and nurture hour. They will be serving Kenyan tea, samosas and treats. Donations will be collected to support students in Kimuka village, Kenya, the Metekai’s home village. Checks should be made out to […]

April 22, 2016

Thank You Note From Phil and Connie Bauman

Thank you so much for your cards, prayers, meals, planter and flowers in response to the death of Phil’s father, Harold Bauman. We are grateful for the many expressions of love and support of our church as we experienced this loss.

April 22, 2016

Stephen Ministry Training Continues: “Follow Me”

This coming week is the final Stephen Ministry training class, in which they will be considering the subject of “Follow Me”. In this presentation they will be reviewing what they have learned and getting ready for their commissioning as Stephen Ministers. This commissioning service will take place on May 8. Stephen Ministry is an important […]

April 22, 2016

Note From Mike Genau

I just wanted to update everyone who has ordered photos. There has been a delay because the company I use for prints has updated their printers and during the switch-over they got behind on their orders. So, the photos are coming, but taking longer than expected. The company assured me they’d ship them express when […]

April 15, 2016

Berkey Volunteer Event

Now is the time to sign up to volunteer to work at the LaCasa Help-A-House Community Work Day event being held in Goshen on Saturday, May 14. Berkey Avenue Mennonite will have a group volunteering at this event. See details and sign up on the bulletin board by the church mailboxes. Alternatively, sign up by […]

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