New to Our Library
Lord Willing?, by Jessica Kelley is a non-fiction book from Herald Press that is new to our church library. The book depicts the story of when Kelly’s four year old son was diagnosed with brain cancer, Kelley couldn’t stomach Christian cliches. God’s will? Divine design? The Lord’s perfect plan? Kelley boldly tackles one of the […]
Thank You
We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to our church family for your generosity and prayers to the community of Kimuka Village in Kenya. We raised a total of $2848.72 to help needy students and their families with School fees/tuition. Your donations will go a long way in meeting their needs. Thank you […]
Worship Series on the Senses
During the month of May, the Worship Commission has arranged for a special series on the five senses. Our overall theme is “Awaken us, God, to who we are!” Although our five senses are integral parts of our embodied human experience, we aren’t always aware of the role these senses play in our life with […]
Kenyan Tea Fundraiser
Sunday, May 1, the Metekai’s small group (Metekais, Bullers, Smuckers and Horsts) invite you to a Kenyan Tea Fundraiser between the worship and nurture hour. They will be serving Kenyan tea, samosas and treats. Donations will be collected to support students in Kimuka village, Kenya, the Metekai’s home village. Checks should be made out to […]
Berkey Volunteer Event
Now is the time to sign up to volunteer to work at the LaCasa Help-A-House Community Work Day event being held in Goshen on Saturday, May 14. Berkey Avenue Mennonite will have a group volunteering at this event. See details and sign up on the bulletin board by the church mailboxes. Alternatively, sign up by […]
Congregational Meeting
Plan to attend our next congregational meeting on May 15 which has a number of proposals you may be interested in. You will soon receive more information about these agenda items through your email and in your church mailbox. 1. Approve minutes of the February 21 meeting. 2. Hear about our budget and giving so […]
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