News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
May 27, 2016

New to Our Library

Razing Hell, by Sharon Baker, is a book referred to when Dan Schrock preached a sermon on hell. This book is useful to Christians struggling to reconcile Jesus’ sacrifice and a loving God with the place of punishment and the necessity for justice. Baker explores where traditional views of hell come from and how important […]

May 27, 2016

Thank You

Thank you for the the kind words, prayers, cards, and beautiful plant in response to the death of Jenny’s father. It is comforting to have such a caring church family. — Jenny and John Hooley

May 20, 2016

Worship Series on the Senses

During the month of May, the Worship Commission has arranged for a special series on the five senses. Our overall theme is “Awaken us, God, to who we are!” Although our five senses are integral parts of our embodied human experience, we aren’t always aware of the role these senses play in our life with […]

May 20, 2016

Bible School

In less than three weeks, children and adults will Catch the Spirit and Come and See Jesus, during Bible School at College Mennonite Church, June 6-10, 9:00-11:30 a.m. Berkey Avenue, Assembly, College, Eight Street and Faith Mennonite Churches are joining once again for Summer Bible School. Berkey has 19 children registered to attend  and over 24 […]

May 20, 2016

Thank You from LaCasa

LaCasa thanks us for sending a group to volunteer at Help-A-House. Despite the nasty weather, a lot of great work was accomplished. They were inspired by everyone’s energy and enthusiasm.

May 13, 2016

Berkey Avenue Cleanup and Garden Project

Due to rain, the service project has been rescheduled for this Monday, May 16 at 5:30 p.m. The Mission Commission is seeking volunteers to: 1. Assist in picking up litter and debris on both sides of Berkey Ave. from the city limits west to CR.17. 2. To install the garden fence for this year. Pizza […]

May 6, 2016

Congregational Meeting

Plan to attend our next congregational meeting on May 15 which has a number of proposals you may be interested in. You will soon receive more information about these agenda items through your email and in your church mailbox. 1.  Approve minutes of the February 21 meeting. 2.  Hear about our budget and giving so […]

May 6, 2016

Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday is May 22. Please remember Evan Krabill and Abby Rudy-Froese in prayer, as they prepare for baptism. You are invited to come for breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast is a finger food potluck–no hot dishes, please–to keep the clean up simple. We will leave the church at 10:00 a.m. to caravan to Martin’s […]

May 6, 2016

Ecuadorian Earthquake Relief

Amos and Janice Hostetler shared last Sunday about their niece Sheryl Hostetler, in Ecuador. If you would like to donate to the Shekinah Foundation in Ecuador where Sheryl works, visit the Rosedale Mennonite Mission’s website. The website gives several options for making donations, including a paypal option. A designation box allows you to send your […]

May 6, 2016

May Calendar

If you would like a printed copy of the Berkey May calendar, there are extra copies on the literature rack by the mailboxes. The monthly calendar can always be viewed and printed from the link in the right hand column of The Owl Newsletter.

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