News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
June 17, 2016

Bible School Report

We had a wonderful week of Bible School! Our themes of “Catch the Spirit” and “Come and See” were lived out in many active ways during the week. Nineteen Berkey Avenue children participated–making new friends, using their talents, and offering money and many items to complete relief kits for refugees in Syria. We couldn’t have […]

June 10, 2016

Pastor on Vacation

Dan Schrock is on vacation from June 11 through July 10 and will return to work on Monday, July 11.

June 10, 2016

Frisbee Request

Do any of you Ultimate Frisbee (UF) aficionados have a good Frisbee which you would be willing to loan to us for a game of UF during Sunday School on June 19? And of course we solicit your participation during that hour. ~ Doug Baker and Jaiden Daniels

June 3, 2016

Note From the AV Team

We are looking for anyone interested in helping out with the operation of the church Audio and Video system on Sunday mornings. Following is a list of things to consider – No previous experience or special knowledge necessary. We will train you, until you are comfortable operating the equipment. AV operators take turns working one […]

June 3, 2016

New to Our Library

We have two new books in the library: Call the Midwife, by Jennifer Worth is a non-fiction account of the author’s experiences as a young nurse when she leaves her comfortable home to move into a convent and become a midwife in postwar London’s East End slums (as seen on PBS). Give a Goat, by […]

May 27, 2016

All Church Picnic

To kick off our summer quarter we are planning an All Church picnic after the worship service next Sunday, June 5. Please bring along your favorite summer picnic dishes of salads, finger foods and desserts to share. Also, bring along lawn chairs, blankets, and lawn games. Weather permitting we’ll plan to eat outside in the […]

May 27, 2016

Congregational Meeting Update

At the May 15 meeting, all items on the agenda passed, though with some amendments. The minutes were emailed to the congregation Friday morning. There are also printed copies available on the literature rack by the mailboxes. You will have a chance to make corrections or approve these minutes at the next congregational meeting.

May 27, 2016

Commission Candidates

The Leadership Discernment Team (Dan Williams, Lavonn Hostetler, Abbe Buller, and Dan Schrock) is pleased that the following persons have agreed to serve on our commissions and in other roles. We will vote to affirm  these during the June 12 worship service. BAMF Servant Leadership Ballot for 2016-2017 (Terms are 3 years unless otherwise noted.) […]

May 27, 2016

Summer Nurture Hour Schedule

June 5 – All Church Picnic (No Nurture Hour classes) June 12 – Inter-generational classes for everyone June 19 – Inter-generational classes for everyone June 26 – Inter-generational classes for everyone July 3 – Holiday, worship only (No Nurture Hour classes) July 10 – All Church Picnic (No Nurture Hour classes) July 17 – Inter-generational […]

May 27, 2016

Magazine Renewals

It is time to renew subscriptions to Rejoice and Purpose magazines. Checks should be given to Ruth Hathaway. See prices and descriptions below: Rejoice ($28.30): Nurture your soul through the quarterly devotional magazine Rejoice! Each day’s entry includes a Scripture reading, a short inspirational message, and a prayer response. The magazine also includes touching stories, […]

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