Fall College Assistance
This fall our congregation will have 9 young people attending Mennonite colleges and seminaries. Each student is eligible for assistance of $500 for the fall semester from our college matching fund. Giving to this fund is financially prudent because the colleges match all contributions dollar for dollar—plus you get a tax deduction on your contribution. […]
New to the Library
Seek Me with all Your Heart, by Beth Wiseman: A Christian fiction romance novel about an Amish family who moves to Colorado, leaving family and friends behind. Call the Midwife: Farewell to the East End, Vol. III, by Jennifer Worth: The last book in the trilogy about nurses and nuns working as midwives in the […]
Welcome Basket
Berkey will be creating a welcome basket for a new Goshen College international student. If you would like to help welcome the student, please sign up for an item on the sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall. Items should be brought to church by August 1 and placed on the table near the mailboxes. All […]
Note From the AV Team
We are looking for anyone interested in helping out with the operation of the church Audio and Video system on Sunday mornings. Following is a list of things to consider – No previous experience or special knowledge necessary. We will train you, until you are comfortable operating the equipment. AV operators take turns working one […]
Summer Nurture Hour Schedule & Classes
Schedule June 26 – Inter-generational classes for everyone. July 3 – Holiday, worship only (No Nurture Hour classes). July 10 – All Church Picnic (No Nurture Hour classes). July 17 – Inter-generational classes for everyone. July 24 – Inter-generational classes for everyone. July 31 – Inter-generational classes for everyone. Aug. 7 – Inter-generational classes for […]
New to the Library
Changing Lenses: Restorative Justice for Our Times, by Howard Zehr. Twenty-five years after it was first published, this book remains the classic text of the restorative justice field. Now with valuable author updates, it offers provocative new paradigms for public policy and judicial reform. In Pursuit of Faithfulness, by Rich Preheim. Preheim investigates the heritage […]
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