My Coins Count
As you exit the sanctuary after worship, look for the MCC collection jars for your coins (or bills). My Coins Count, formerly known asPenny Power, will be collected for the 2016 Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale coming up on September 23 & 24 to support the relief, development and peace work of the Mennonite Central Committee. […]
Congregational Meeting
After a potluck on August 21, we’ll have a congregational meeting with only three agenda items. Since Greg Smucker needs to be out of town that weekend, Anita Mounsithiraj will lead the meeting. 1) Approve minutes of the May 15 meeting. 2) Discuss and vote on the budget for 2016-17. 3) Discuss and vote on […]
Emergency Shelter
Berkey has agreed for American Red Cross to use our church building as a temporary shelter in case of disaster in the community. If you would like to form a group of Berkey folks to receive training to aid in such a crisis, contact the American Red Cross of Northern Indiana at 574-234-0292. Flyers about […]
Pastoral Sabbatical Coverage
The Spiritual Leadership Team (SLT) has approved a sabbatical for Marilyn Rudy-Froese from September 19, 2016 to January 2, 2017. To work with Dan Schrock during her sabbatical, the SLT has hired Ron Guengerich, who recently retired as one of the pastors at Silverwood Mennonite Church here in Goshen. Ron will work on a half-time […]
Series on Intercessory Prayer
This is the fifth Sunday on a 6-week series of sermons on intercessory prayer. Numerous texts in the Bible either are themselves intercessory prayers or tell stories about people who engage in intercession. For this series, Dan Schrock has selected texts that take different approaches to intercession. August 14: Luke 8:1-8 (this one is technically […]
Summer Nurture Hour Schedule
August 7 & 14: Inter-generational classes for everyone. Aug. 21: All-Church Fellowship Meal and Congregational Meeting (No Nurture Hour classes). Aug. 28 – Celebration Sunday/Refreshments (No Nurture Hour classes). There will be a meeting at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary regarding church building issues.
Fall College Assistance
Our fall goal for the college and seminary assistance fund is $4,500, which will benefit 9 young people from Berkey. To date we’ve received $4,095, leaving $405 to meet our goal. This fund is one of the few ways you can double your investment–our colleges and seminaries match all contributions dollar for dollar. In addition, […]
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