Sabbatical Leave
Marilyn Rudy-Froese will be on sabbatical September 19 – January 2. She writes, “Thank you for the opportunity to take a sabbatical leave. It feels like a gift from you, and I receive it as such. Many of you have asked about my sabbatical plans. You can see them here. I leave knowing that congregational […]
Photo Directory Updates
Do you have new glasses, a different haircut, more children….? Then you should have a new photo taken for the online directory! Photographers will be available on September 18, 25, and October 2 here at the church. If you would like your picture taken, please sign-up on the poster by the mailboxes. You may also […]
Relief Sale!
The 49th annual Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale is next weekend at the Elkhart County 4H Fairgrounds. The sale begins Friday, September 23, 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. and continues Saturday, 7:00 a.m. through early afternoon. Here are two ways to help: Cheese: Berkey will host the cheese booth and your participation is important! Look for the […]
Playground and Parking Project
Berkey Family, your generous and quick response to the campaign for funds to build the new parking lot and playground has been exceptional. You have pledged enough for work to begin. Thank you! There remains only $13,000 to be raised for all costs to be covered. Please direct your questions or additional pledges to Laura […]
Fall Fest
Berkey’s annual Fall Fest is just one week away! Plan to come on Saturday, September 17, 5:00 p.m. for this fun event. The Straight A’s will be providing music. Grilled pork sausage and drinks will be provided. Invite family, friends, and extend a special welcome to college students that you know. You should bring: A […]
Cheese & More!
The 49th annual Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale is September 23-24, 2016, at the Elkhart County 4H Fairgrounds. The sale begins Friday, September 23, 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. and continues Saturday, 7:00 a.m. through early afternoon. Once again Berkey Avenue will host the cheese booth and your participation is important! Look for the Relief Sale table […]
Photo Directory Updates
Do you have new glasses, a different haircut, more children….? Then you should have a new photo taken for the online directory! Photographers will be available on September 18, 25, and October 2 here at the church. If you would like your picture taken, please sign-up on the poster by the mailboxes. You may also […]
Meals for Students
Over the years Berkey has been a wonderful, welcoming church home for many college/young adult students. One of the highlights for the students is having a meal each Sunday after church. This allows them to get to know our church family in a more informal setting and learn to know a wider range of people. […]
Small Group Invitation
Are you interested in joining a small group this fall? Berkey offers a wide variety of groups, including: inter-generational, family, women’s, and similar life stages. Please email Marilyn by September 16, and the small group committee will provide you with information and help to connect you with a group. Feel free to reach out to […]
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