News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
October 14, 2016

Mentor-Mentee Event

All JYF and MYF youth and mentors are invited to a special Mentor-Mentee nurture hour and lunch together on Sunday, November 13, at Berkey. John Roth will lead the group on the topic of Anabaptist history, followed by lunch together. The meal will be provided! Just come for a enjoyable time of learning, eating and […]

October 14, 2016

Copy Machine

We apologize that our church copier hasn’t been working. The manufacturer is no longer making parts for our machine and used parts are hard to find. Therefore the Stewardship and Finance Commission has decided to buy a new copier which we hope will be delivered this coming week.

October 14, 2016

G.C. Prayer Cards

Would you like to pray for a Goshen College student or employee? Dan Schrock has 10 prayer cards featuring a college student or employee (including Cassie Sessa, Trish Yoder, and 8 others). See him if you would like to pray for someone at the college this year.

October 14, 2016

New Activities for Children

In response to interest in finding ways to integrate our church’s 4-year-olds into the church services (from the nursery), the worship commission has purchased quiet activities for the 4 and 5 year-olds. They are displayed on a shelf in the northwest corner of the sanctuary for easy access throughout the service. Adjustments will be made […]

October 14, 2016

Meals for Students

Thank you to everyone who signed up to host a meal for our college students. The schedule is full through December.

October 14, 2016

Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network

Berkey hosted GIHN guests this past week.Thank you to the many Berkey volunteers who were part of hosting the families; creating a space and presence for them to feel cared for and welcomed.

October 7, 2016

Update on Our Playground and Parking Lot Project

We regret to report that our playground and parking lot project will not happen this fall, due to three interwoven factors beyond our control. First, the city requires that we submit a detailed, engineered site plan before they will approve the project. Second, this site plan can only be drawn up by qualified engineers, but […]

October 7, 2016

Third Pastor Search

The search committee for our new third Pastor position has been created and we’ve begun the process of filling out the informational forms used by Indiana-Michigan Conference to invite applications. The committee is made up of Richard Aguirre (SLT representative) Abbe Buller, Randy Horst (chair), Priscillah Metekai, and Deb Williams. A progress chart is posted […]

October 7, 2016

Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network

Berkey will be hosting GIHN guests this coming week, October 9-16. Thank you to the many Berkey volunteers who are part of hosting the families; creating a space and presence for them to feel cared for and welcome.

October 7, 2016

My Coins Count

Thank you to all the children and adults at Berkey Avenue Mennonite for your energy and enthusiasm in collecting $629.44 for My Coins Count this year. Your money will be used to fund water projects, including building wells for students in Chad and Mozambique, improving sanitation for students in Uganda and helping get clean water […]

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