News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
December 16, 2016

GIHN at Berkey

Berkey is hosting Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network (GIHN) guests in our building, Monday, December 26, – Sunday, January 1. We’re so grateful to all the many volunteers who will be helping throughout the week. There are many layers of involvement — creating a warm space for the families, helping with food preparation, staying overnight, spending […]

December 16, 2016

Mats for the Homeless

If you are planning to help with mat making for the homeless this Sunday during the nurture hour, it would be helpful if you would bring scissors or rotary cutters. Please test them at home to see if they will cut plastic.

December 9, 2016

Holiday Nurture Hour Schedule

December 18:  Middlers, JYF, MYF through adults will participate in the Intergenerational activities planned by the Advent Committee. Nursery through Primary children will meet with their regular Nurture Hour classes. Nurture Classes will not meet: December 25 (Christmas) January 1 (New Year)

December 9, 2016

Holiday Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve Service, 7:00 p.m. There will not be a worship service on Christmas day.

December 9, 2016

New to Our Library

Books Double-Rainbow Family, by Jane Herstine Friesen (Nonfiction) recounts the author’s difficult childhood in PA and her marriage to Jake, a Canadian, who becomes a pilot. The chapters are filled with her children’s eventful, often painful, growing up years and Jane’s work to uncover family histories. Jake’s job moves them to many exotic places where […]

December 9, 2016

Note From Ron Guengerich

This weekend Ron Guengerich, who is a “coach” for College Mennonite Church (CMC) in Goshen, will be joining one of their pastors, Phil Waite, on a visit to Iglesia Evangelica Menonita Arca de Salvacion in Fort Myers, Florida. The visit is intended to continue strengthening the relationship of CMC with the Florida church and its […]

December 9, 2016

SLT Minutes

The October SLT minutes are now posted on the Berkey website for the congregation to read. You will find the SLT page under the resource tab; use the same password that you use for the online directory.

December 2, 2016

Battery Bucket

This is a reminder that our church has a battery recycling station in the entryway to Jubilee Hall. There is a bucket for rechargeable batteries and CFLs and another for alkaline batteries. The former we can recycle for free, but the latter we pay about $2 per pound to recycle. You can make a contribution […]

December 2, 2016

Giving Opportunity

Some of you will remember Yasir Makki, who has spoken at our church. He is a church planter and school principal in the Sudan. Yasir has started a school for refugee children from the Nuba Mountains and is seeking more funding because the number of students is higher than expected. An email letter from Yasir […]

December 2, 2016

Christmas Day Suggestion

Although we will have our usual Christmas Eve service, we will not have a worship service at Berkey on Christmas day. Instead you might consider the possibility of attending a Christmas day service in a church very different from ours. In a national context where we need to reach across divisions that separate us, worshiping […]

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