News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
February 3, 2017

Note from AMBS

Thank you for hosting Sungbin Kim as a guest speaker at Berkey Avenue on January 15! We are glad to be able to provide international students with an opportunity to share their story with local congregations, and are grateful for your openness to hearing Sungbin’s message. If you would like to support international students like […]

February 3, 2017

Note from MCC

Thank you to all our Berkey Ave. friends for allowing us to use your space for our MCC Alumni and Friends gathering with Amela Puljek Shank on January 20. Special thanks to Matt  who helped run the sound system and other church folks who were so helpful with all the cleanup after the meal. Thank […]

January 27, 2017

Haystack Dinner

The Fellowship Commission invites everyone to come to a haystack dinner on February 8, 5:30-6:30. The food will be provided, just come and enjoy a fun time together! A sign-up sheet is posted in the fellowship hall. It is helpful if you sign up, but if you forget, still come.

January 27, 2017

Colossian Way Study Group

The Colossian Way study group on human sexuality will begin on February 5. We are so grateful for the interest people have expressed in this group. While it would be wonderful to accommodate everyone, this is a pilot project through the Colossian Forum, and because we need consistent attendance at every meeting, we have asked […]

January 27, 2017

Missing Coat

A women’s black, all weather coat with a front zipper and a hood was lost last Sunday. If you find a stray coat at home with this description, please return it to Margaret Stoltzfus or contact the office. Please make sure you have the right coat when leaving our Sunday services!

January 27, 2017

New to Our Library

When God Speaks through Change:  Preaching in Times of Congregational Transition, by Craig A. Satterlee. The author reflects on the rich and defining way in which the sermon can aid congregations as they face and make transitions. Tribal Church:  Ministering to the Missing Generation, by Carol Howard Merritt. This book is for anyone who wants […]

January 27, 2017

Free Books

The library committee has set up a table in the Fellowship Hall with nonfiction books that have not been checked out for many years and are being discarded from the library to make room for new additions. You are welcome to take any of the books you want, and the rest will be donated to […]

January 20, 2017

Invitation to Become a Berkey Member

Are you interested in becoming a member here at Berkey? Dan and Marilyn would like to hear from you. We are looking ahead to a time after Easter to receive new members, either through transfer of membership or confession of faith. Please let Dan or Marilyn know if you are interested.

January 20, 2017

Pastor’s Note

Marilyn Rudy-Froese will be attending Pastors Week at AMBS next week, Monday through Thursday. The theme is “Cultivating Intercultural Leadership for Diversity-Oriented Churches” with A. Brian Leander.

January 20, 2017

Annual Contribution Statements

Next week (January 22-28) annual contribution statements for 2016 will be emailed or hard copies will be distributed to Berkey donors. The email will show as coming from: Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship (, with the subject showing as: Statement from Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship. If you have questions regarding the statement or find any discrepancies, […]

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