Peace Club
The next Peace Club meeting is March 12 in Jubilee Hall after nurture time is concluded. All children in Kindergarten through 6th grade and their families are invited for lunch and activities. This meeting will focus on refugees and immigrants from Mexico. We are going to build a wall, and then KNOCK IT DOWN! We […]
GIHN Hosting Week
This week we are hosting families from our community who are homeless. Thank you to all the many Berkey volunteers who are helping throughout the week with set up, hosting meals, hosting overnight, and most of all just being a loving, caring presence with our guests in the midst of hard times. If you have […]
Weekly Peace and Justice Concerns Actions
If you would like to receive weekly updates regarding actions you can take related to social justice concerns please contact James Yoder. The updates will include information regarding organized efforts to communicate our concerns to federal, state and local representatives through phone calls, letter writing, attendance at town hall meetings and rallies.
Note from MCC Great Lakes
We at Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), along with our partners in over 50 countries around the world, are blessed by your continuing support for the work of MCC. We want to thank our friends at Berkey Ave. Mennonite for the many ways you contribute to the work of MCC. In addition to the energy and […]
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