Model School Appreciation Project
We are collecting bottles, especially those with an interesting shape to use as vases in the April Model School staff appreciation project. If you have some empty glass bottles to donate, please bring them to the church kitchen before April 10. A collection box is on the counter near the microwave. See Susan Garboden or […]
Berkey Cookbook
You are invited to submit recipes for Berkey’s first cookbook. The project will raise funds for Berkey and for a community agency. All recipes should be put in Leah Garboden’s mailbox by April 9. With your recipes: Share why they are your favorite (50 words or less). Type or print the recipes on 8 1/2” […]
The Mennonite
It is time to renew subscriptions for The Mennonite. If you would like to receive this monthly magazine, you will need to turn in your payment by April 2. The cost is $37.00. Checks should be made out to Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship and handed to Ruth Hathaway or placed in the treasurer’s mailbox.
Berkey Volunteer Event
Now is the time to sign up to volunteer to work at the LaCasa Help-A- House Community Work Day event being held in Goshen on Saturday, May 13. Berkey Avenue Mennonite will have a group volunteering at this event. See details and sign up on the bulletin board by the church mailboxes. Alternatively, sign up […]
Model School Appreciation Project
We are collecting bottles, especially those with an interesting shape to use as vases in the April Model School staff appreciation project. If you have some empty glass bottles to donate, please bring them to the church kitchen before April 10. A collection box is on the counter near the microwave. See Susan Garboden or […]
Berkey Cookbook
A small committee will be making Berkey’s first cookbook to raise funds for Berkey and for a community agency. They would like each family to participate in the project by submitting 1-3 favorite recipes. With your recipes: Share why they are your favorite (50 words or less). Type or print the recipes on 8 1/2” […]
Youth Summer Camp Designated Fund
We invite you to consider making a contribution to Berkey Avenue’s Youth Summer Camp designated fund this month. We anticipate several requests for financial assistance to help church youth experience a week of camp this summer at either Camp Amigo or Camp Friedenswald and would like to be able to give generously. A week of […]
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