News Archives

August 25, 2017

Peace Club

Peace Club will have its first meeting of this school year this Sunday, August 27. All children in grades one, two, three, four and five are considered members along with other members of their families. Circle the date.

August 25, 2017

Milestone Recognitions

During the morning worship service this Sunday, August 27, Preschoolers, Kindergartners, and 2nd Graders will be receiving gifts, recognizing new milestones: Preschool: New Testaments Children Moving from Nursery to Sanctuary for Worship: CDs Kindergartners: God’s Eyes 2nd Graders: Bibles

July 28, 2017

Fall Nurture Hour

The fall quarter for our nurture hour begins Sunday, August 27 and ends November 19. Nurture hour classes will meet on September 3 (Labor Day weekend). However, we will not have classes on November 26 (Thanksgiving

July 28, 2017

Volunteer Needed

A volunteer is needed to run a phone cable from the utility room to Dan Schrock’s new office. The work will involve some time in the crawl space under Jubilee Hall. If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact the office.

July 21, 2017

Pastor of Faith Formation

We look forward to welcoming Joanne Gallardo who will begin her work at Berkey on August 14. She will work part time as Pastor of Faith Formation.

July 21, 2017

Meal for Model School Teachers

One way that Berkey supports Model Elementary, our adopted school, is to provide a special meal for the teachers just before the start of the new school year. Berkey will host the meal on August 2 at 11:30 a.m. If you would like to provide a dish for this event, please visit Perfect Potluck. The […]

July 21, 2017

New on Our Website

You can now listen to sermons on the Berkey website. Look for the “Sermon Audios” tab. Only the sermons are posted. If you would like to listen to the whole service, including singing and sharing, you may check out a CD from the office.

July 21, 2017

GIHN Hosting Week

We will be hosting homeless families through the Goshen Interfaith Hostpitiality Network (GIHN) program, July 30 – August 6 at our church building. Thank you to all the many Berkey volunteers who are helping throughout the week with set up, hosting meals, hosting overnight, and most of all just being a loving, caring presence with […]

July 21, 2017

Pastoral Services this Summer

Until mid-August, Dan Schrock will be the only pastor, employed at half time. He will normally be in the church office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and usually on Fridays. For now the best way to contact him is by email ( or by his cell (574-202-4888). If he doesn’t answer the phone, please leave a […]

July 14, 2017

Worship Series

Berkey’s Spring/Summer worship series is Extending the Table: We All Belong. The July flyer about the series has been distributed in mailboxes and there are extras on the literature table. You are also invited to read the July flyer here.

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