News Archives

January 26, 2018

College Care Packages

The MYF is making over 35 care packages for college students. Any items you are willing to donate to this project would be greatly appreciated. Bring anything you think college students might enjoy. Here are a few ideas: School supplies: highlighters, sticky notes, pens, pencils Cookies Granola bars Ramon noodles Kleenex Trail mix Party mix […]

January 19, 2018

Android Update for Congregational Directory

An update will soon be released for our congregational directory for those who use the Android Member App. When it is released, you will be automatically logged out. Please have your password at hand and be prepared to sign in again. If you have forgotten your password, you should select “Create login” and choose a […]

January 19, 2018

Contribution Statements

If you made donations to BAMF in 2017, in the next week, watch your email or church mailbox for your 2017 contribution statement. An email will show as coming from Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship, the subject line will read “Statement from Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship.” The statement will be an attachment to the email. If […]

January 19, 2018

A Note From Mission Commission

The mission commission wants to support Berkey’s missionaries and their mission agency partners through learning tours and other exchanges. Funds have been designated for this effort and those that are consistent with the mission of Berkey.  There will possibly be an upcoming tour of Haiti in October 2018 and a tour of Columbia in 2019. […]

January 19, 2018

Worship Leading Webinar

Are you looking to sharpen your skills as a worship leader? The Worship Commission has now purchased the rights to “Principles of Worship Leading,” a 75-minute webinar led by Rachel Miller Jacobs, who teaches congregational formation at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. If you want to watch this video, simply email Jenny Hooley in the church office, and […]

January 19, 2018

Invitation to Join Colossian Way

A year ago, Berkey was one of several congregations piloting the Colossian Way (CW), a curriculum and process for addressing issues that are contentious in the general culture and in many churches, in this case the inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the church. For a sense of the view the CW process. The genius of the […]

January 19, 2018

Wanted: A Few Good People

Mission Commission is looking for a new person to coordinate Berkey’s role in Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network. We are happy to split the role if there is interest in that. You may email, call, or talk to Anna Sawatzky, Rick Hostetter, Ron Good, or Darin Short.

January 19, 2018

Substitute Teacher Volunteers Needed

Christian Education Commission (CEC) is looking for volunteers to occasionally substitute teach during our Children’s Nurture Hour. If you are willing to be placed on a list, to be called, please contact Laura Moshier, chair of CEC. We are so appreciative of our wonderful, dedicated, Sunday School teacher teams who teach every Sunday. Thank you!

January 19, 2018

New to Our Library

Two Weeks Every Summer: Fresh Air Children and the Problem of Race in America, by Tobin Miller Shearer, Assoc. Professor of History and Director of African-American Studies at the Univ. of Montana. Shearer shows how the actions of rural and suburban residents who hosted children from the city for two-week summer vacations, perpetuated racial inequity […]

January 12, 2018

Name Tags

Everyone is encouraged to wear their name tags on Sunday mornings. While this is always helpful for visitors and new people, it is especially important over the next month while our new pastors are trying to learn who we are. If you do not have a name tag or have lost yours, please contact the office. […]

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