News Archives

May 11, 2018

Berkey in Missions

Karis Neufeld (daughter of Jonathan and Terri Neufeld) will be joining the Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program with MCC in Goré, Chad in August. She recently graduated from Indiana University and hopes to pursue a career in global development. She will be working with a Chadian NGO called SECADEV to help evaluate and improve […]

May 11, 2018

Special Nurture Hour

This Sunday all adults are invited to the sanctuary during the nurture hour for a special class on immigration. The class will be led by Richard Aguirre and will include compelling testimonies by several visiting college students who are affected by the laws of immigration.

May 11, 2018

High School Graduation Hymnal Signing and Celebration

Three of our youth will be graduating from high school this spring: Alex Miller from Northridge High School; Abby Rudy-Froese from Bethany Christian Schools; Elise Wenger from Goshen High School. We will be celebrating their graduation on Sunday, May 27, with the gift of a hymnal, a special tea following worship and a hymn sing […]

May 11, 2018

Pastor on Vacation

Dan Schrock will be gone from May 10 to June 30. He will return to work on July 1.

May 4, 2018

Bible School Registration

Bible School registration is now open for children who turn age 4 by August 1 through grade 6. To sign your child up for this event, follow this link. The theme this year is Digging For Treasure. Bible School dates are Monday- Friday June 4-8, 9:00-11:30 a.m. at College Mennonite Church. Paper copies of the registration form […]

May 4, 2018

Magazine Renewals

It is time to renew subscriptions to Rejoice!and Purpose magazines. Checks should be written out to Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship and placed in the Treasurer’s mailbox (not the offering) by May 27. Contact our treasurer, Ruth Hathaway, with any questions you might have. See prices and descriptions below: Rejoice! ($29.50): Nurture your soul through the quarterly devotional magazine, Rejoice! Each day’s […]

May 4, 2018

Funeral Planning

Did you know that Berkey provides Funeral Planning Forms? If you would like to fill one out, you will find it here. You may turn your completed form into the church office via the Office Manager’s mailbox. It will be kept safely in a file. When the time comes, the pastors and surviving family members will […]

May 4, 2018

Berkey Prayer Circle

The Prayer Circle of three to five people meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through individual concerns specifically expressed to us. All prayer requests are kept confidential. […]

May 1, 2018

Third Open Discussion

On May 6, 4:00-6:00 p.m., the Spiritual Leadership Team will host the third of three congregational conversations around the idea of becoming a more welcoming church to the LGBTQ community. We will listen to the Spirit and each other through a process called World Cafe. Childcare will be provided. All members and attenders are welcome […]

May 1, 2018

1-5 Scale From Our Second Open Discussion

The scale, “Theological and Pastoral Responses to Gays and Lesbians in Committed Relationships” can be found here. This scale was used at the second discussion. Participants were asked to reflect on it and then to circle the position that best reflects their current thinking. The responses were then turned in anonymously. The purpose of our three […]

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