News Archives

August 24, 2018

Lost & Found

Lost & Found items from the kitchen have been placed on a cart in the fellowship hall. One of the items is a Dick Lehman plate. A bowl of fruit was also left from Sunday’s meal and is in the refrigerator. Please take a look and collect what is yours.

August 24, 2018

Bob & Mag’s Term Extended

Just to remind you, Bob and Mag Richer Smith’s original contract to end their work as Interim Pastors among us at the end of August, has been extended to the end of December.

August 17, 2018

Congregational Potluck Meal and Meeting

This Sunday, August 19, everyone is invited to gather for the congregational meal and meeting following worship, 11:00 a.m. Please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, as well as your own table service. The congregational meeting will begin after the meal. The agenda includes: Approve the minutes of the May […]

August 17, 2018

Nurture Hour Kick-off

The 2018-19 Nurture Hour classes begin next Sunday, August 26, for both adults and children. More information will be coming soon about teachers and class locations. Adult classes will include: Sermon Response Better Than a Doughnut Faith Formation for Families Women tending their souls Women’s Bible Study on Worship

August 17, 2018

Teaching Assistants Needed

Christian Education Commission is still looking for 1-2 teaching assistants for each of the Kindergarten and 1st-2nd grade Nurture Hour classes. Lead teachers have already been assigned. If you are interested in helping at least one quarter or for the full year, please contact Patty Lehman, or Laura Moshier.

August 17, 2018

IHN Week

Berkey Avenue will be hosting IHN September 2 – 9 at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. Please remember to pray for our hosts and our guests during that week. We have openings for supper hosts and evening hosts on Wednesday. We still need supper hosts for Friday, also. New and old volunteers are always welcome. […]

August 17, 2018

Colombia and Ecuador Tour

The mission commission is now ready to formalize a commitment of interest for the upcoming mission learning tour of Colombia and Ecuador to take place the end of March and beginning of April 2019.If you have any interest or have more questions please make these known to Rick Hostetter or other members of the mission […]

August 17, 2018

SLT Minutes

The June and July minutes from SLT are now available for you to read on the Berkey website. The page is password protected. If you do not remember the password, please contact the office.

August 17, 2018

Photo Updates

What better way to celebrate the beginning of a new church year than to have an updated picture in the directory and on the Getting-to-Know board. To make your update, simply send in your photo to the office. Please note that a photo in landscape mode works best. The pictures can be taken professionally done or […]

August 3, 2018

Desserts Needed for Model School

Every summer Berkey invites teachers and staff from Model School to our church building for a special noon meal before the school year begins. The meal this summer will be Monday, August 6. Many desserts are needed to make the event a success. We will need nine desserts, enough to serve 10 people each. If […]

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