News Archives

September 7, 2018

Relief Sale

The Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale is rapidly approaching. The sale dates are September 21 – 22 and here are some ways to get involved: Work a shift in the cheese booth. Look for the sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall. Bake: pans, labels, and instructions are available in the fellowship hall. Register to run/walk for relief. […]

September 7, 2018

IHN Training Sessions

All volunteers, present and future, should plan to attend one of the volunteer training sessions being held over the next four months. During these sessions, volunteers will be asked to sign a volunteer waiver and a background check form. Training sessions will be held on September 25, October 31 and November 30 at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. […]

September 7, 2018

Meals for College Students

Over the years, Berkey has been a wonderful, welcoming church home for many college/young adult students. One of the highlights for the students is having a meal each Sunday after church. This allows them to get to know our church family in a more informal setting and learn to know a wider range of people. […]

September 7, 2018


The Red, White (Yukon Gold and Kennebec) and Purple potatoes for the model school project have been dug and are available for a donation. Money raised in the Model School project is used to support students leadership training. The potatoes are located in our fellowship space near the chair closet. Please leave your donation in […]

September 7, 2018

LGBTQ+ Resources in Our Library

In connection with the LGBTQ series of three sermons on which our pastors are preaching, the Library Committee is listing the books available on this topic (in alphabetical order) in our church library. These books will be featured on the top of the desk in the library for the next several weeks: And a Time […]

August 31, 2018

Fall Fest

Plan to come to our annual Fall Fest on Saturday, September 15, beginning at 5:00 p.m. The church will provide grilled, locally-sourced sausage, buns, condiments, and drinks. Please bring large servings of salads and desserts, since 3-4 dozen college students usually come. Also bring lawn chairs or blankets, and if you have them, lawn games.

August 31, 2018

Relief Sale

The Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale is rapidly approaching. The sale dates are September 21 – 22 and here are some ways to get involved: Work a shift in the cheese booth. Look for the sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall. Bake: pans, labels, and instructions are available in the fellowship hall. Register to run/walk for relief. […]

August 31, 2018

MCC Relief Sale Children’s Activities

Patti MacGregor is looking for volunteers to help with Children’s Activities at the Michiana MCC Relief Sale. The Children’s Activities will be centered around the theme “Welcome Your Neighbor.” Children, with an adult, will be welcomed at the Swine Barn, where they can pick up their passports to earn passport stamps for a prize by participating […]

August 31, 2018

IHN Training Sessions

All volunteers, present and future, should plan to attend one of the volunteer training sessions being held over the next four months. During these sessions, volunteers will be asked to sign a volunteer waiver and a background check form. Training sessions will be held on September 25, October 31 and November 30 at St. Mark’s […]

August 31, 2018

New to Our Library

The Bible Tells Me So: Why defending scripture has made us unable to read it, by Peter Enns.  “If you’ve ever struggled with the violent or contradictory or just plain strange passages in the Bible, this book is for you. . . and Enns is funny.”  — Rob Bell Bible, Gender, Sexuality:  Reframing the Church’s […]

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