Relief Sale
The Relief Sale is this Friday and Saturday, September 21-22. Enjoy seeing your friends, good food and fun activities while supporting Mennonite Central Committee. And, of course, be sure to stop by the cheese booth! Special thanks to our Relief Sale Coordinating Council: Vanessa & Dan Adcock, Anita & Tavi Mounsithiraj, and Hannah & Justin […]
Meals for College Students
Over the years, Berkey has been a wonderful, welcoming church home for many college/young adult students. One of the highlights for the students is having a meal each Sunday after church. This allows them to get to know our church family in a more informal setting and learn to know a wider range of people. […]
The Red, White (Yukon Gold and Kennebec) and Purple potatoes for the model school project have been dug and are available for a donation. Money raised in the Model School project is used to support students leadership training. The potatoes are located in our fellowship space near the chair closet. Please leave your donation in […]
Fall Fest
Plan to come to our annual Fall Fest this Saturday, September 15, beginning at 5:00 p.m. The church will provide grilled, locally-sourced sausage, buns, condiments, and drinks. Please bring large servings of salads and desserts, since 3-4 dozen college students usually come. Also bring lawn chairs or blankets, and if you have them, lawn games. […]
Fall Fest
Plan to come to our annual Fall Fest on Saturday, September 15, beginning at 5:00 p.m. The church will provide grilled, locally-sourced sausage, buns, condiments, and drinks. Please bring large servings of salads and desserts, since 3-4 dozen college students usually come. Also bring lawn chairs or blankets, and if you have them, lawn games. […]
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