News Archives

November 30, 2018

Family Restrooms

The two single restrooms at the north end of the building, by the drinking fountain, are now family friendly and may be used by anyone. This will allow either parent to assist young children and will help prevent long lines to the main restrooms. A new sign, “Restrooms,” has been placed by both of these […]

November 23, 2018

Note From SLT

The Spiritual Leadership Team works as a team to make decisions together. We respond to concerns and questions with 1 voice, not 9. We want to hear from you, but it may take a while for us to meet and discuss your concern. Thanks for being a part of this vibrant community of God’s people.  […]

November 23, 2018

Submissions to Our Weekly Letter (The Owl)

Do you have an announcement for the Newsletter? Submit your announcement to the office by noon on Thursday. Announcements received after the deadline will be printed the following week. Announcements run between 1-3 weeks.

November 23, 2018


The Red, White (Yukon Gold and Kennebec) and Purple potatoes for the model school project have been dug and are available for a donation. Money raised in the Model School project is used to support students leadership training. The potatoes are located in our fellowship space near the chair closet. Please leave your donation in […]

November 23, 2018

Berkey Prayer Circle

The Prayer Circle of three to five people meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through individual concerns specifically expressed to us. All prayer requests are kept confidential. […]

November 23, 2018

Holiday Nurture Hour Notes

Nurture Hour classes will not meet over these holiday weekends: November 25, December 23 & 30. During these Sundays you are invited to stay after worship for coffee, tea, and an informal time of fellowship.

November 23, 2018

Mission Christmas Project

Mission Commission along with Carla Weldy, invites us to adopt one or two families for a Child and Parent Services (CAPS) Christmas project. The project is intended to help make the Christmas season meaningful for families in need. The families who will receive help have already selected a type of gift under four categories: a […]

November 23, 2018

Volunteer Needed

The Advent committee is seeking a volunteer to hang artwork with painter’s tape during this Advent season. The initial installation would need to take place by Sunday December 2 and there would be some small updates in need of posting each week. We have the artwork, we just need a volunteer to hang it! If […]

November 23, 2018

Old Chairs Available

Our new chairs have arrived! The old metal chairs are available to anyone who would like them. The chairs can be found in Jubilee Hall. A suggested $5.00 per chair donation can be put in the offering. Mark your donation, “For the Chair Fund.” If you are interested in the chairs, please claim them by […]

November 23, 2018

Final IHN Training Session

The final training session this fall for IHN volunteers is being offered at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on November 30, 6:00 p.m. During the session, volunteers will be asked to sign a volunteer waiver and a background check form. If you would like to attend or would like more information, contact Brenda Grimes or Susan Garboden.

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