News Archives

January 4, 2013

Agape Committee Member Needed

Needed: someone to serve on the Agape Committee. The Agape Committee responds to the mutual aid needs of people in our congregation and helps the congregation promote mutual aid practices. The committee specializes in handling short-term physical and financial needs. Meetings are held as needed and some business is done via email. This committee falls […]

January 4, 2013

Our World by Ron Good

I am a relatively small country (83,000 sq. miles) with a population of about 770,000. I am the only country on my continent whose official language is English. I received my independence from the United Kingdom in 1966 and became a Republic in 1970. One can feel the British influence because we drive on the […]

January 4, 2013

Celebrate MCC: Faith in Action

You’re invited to 2013 Celebrate MCC: Faith in Action on February 22-23 at East Goshen Mennonite Church (17861 S.R. 4). Join fellow Mennonite Central Committee supporters from across the Great Lakes region as we worship, fellowship and learn together. A full schedule of events and registration is available online at or call the MCC […]

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