Volunteer Through Prayer
As part of our effort to provide holistic care at the Center for Healing & Hope, we will invite our patients to submit anonymous prayer requests. Recognizing the power of prayer, we hope to establish a prayer network consisting of volunteers who are open to receiving these prayer requests via email and regularly lifting our […]
Intergenerational Sunday School Program
Sunday, June 2 marks the beginning of our Summer Intergenerational Sunday School Program. Our Summer SS Goals include: Invite people of different ages in the congregation to interact and know each other by name. Affirm and encourage each other to take risks; everyone participates no matter what age or ability. Notice and name gifts of […]
New to the Library
This week we are featuring three new books. Stop by the library if you are interested in any of the following selections. Health, Healing and the Church’s Mission: Biblical Perspectives and Moral Priorities by Willard M. Swartley The author critiques the current health care industry and persuasively offers an alternative insight into health and healing […]
Stephen Ministry Training Available
You’ve heard about Stephen Ministry now. Maybe you have felt a tug to become a Stephen Minister or someone has tapped you on the shoulder to ask you to consider it. Maybe the first training time just wasn’t good for you. We invite you to consider becoming a Stephen Minister. Stephen Ministers are trained to […]
Silverwood Mennonite Church Hosting Griefshare Support Group
Silverwood Mennonite Church will be hosting Griefshare Support Group meetings beginning June 12. Griefshare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Registration is $20 and scholarships are available. Learn more at www.griefshare.org or […]
The Window of Goshen Seeks Your Item Donations
The Window is Seeking the following items. You can also always view this information on our website at thewindowofgoshen.squarespace.com Katie’s Kitchen: All #10 cans or Gallon and Quart Sizes Ground coffee and creamer Asian items i.e. chestnuts, stir-fry vegetables, soy sauce Powdered Drink Mixes Jello Instant Pudding Cake mixes Saltine Crackers Graham Crackers White granulated […]
Stephen Ministers Can Help with Life Transitions
Are you–or is someone you know–going through a transition in life? These transitions happen in all of our lives at one time or another. They include such things as the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, hospitalization, graduation from college, retirement, a move, the birth of a child. When transitions come, […]
Bethany Christian Schools Seek Host Families
Bethany Christian Schools is in need of host families for serving international students who would like to attend Bethany. This opportunity to gain cross cultural experience in your own home often becomes a rewarding experience for the host family, as well as a blessing to the student. Families receive monetary compensation. This is a one […]
American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Elkhart County
The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Elkhart County will be held at Goshen High school on June 15-16. This event unites the community in celebrating those who’ve had cancer, and remembering loved ones. Relay for Life supports the Society’s mission to save lives by helping people stay well, get well, and find cures. […]
Mission Mosaic Prayer Directory Now Available
A free copy of Mission Mosaic for 2013‐2014, is now available. This is a prayer directory published by Mennonite Mission Network which contains pictures, descriptions of current International mission workers, International Partners, and Christian Service programs. A copy of the directory is on the literature rack. If you would like the Mission Commission to get […]
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