Music Together Classes
Horizon Education Alliance is a not-for-profit county wide education initiative started by people from businesses, churches, social service agencies and schools. These people came together and decided that education was the key to transforming Elkhart County even beyond what it is, to create a world class place to live, learn, work and play. Music Together […]
Celebrate Amigo
Celebrate Amigo is your opportunity to enjoy, celebrate and support Amigo Centre’s ministry. October 18-20 is our official “Celebrate Amigo” gathering. There are opportunities for fun, work and learning. Many work projects are scheduled for Saturday – from wood cutting/splitting, sewing, painting, cleaning to auctions! Come join us for a weekend of fellowship and blessings […]
ADEC Training Opportunity
Join us on October 22, from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. for an training session at ADEC-Plaza, (319 S. Main, Elkhart). At this meeting of The Voice support group, Christine Guth will offer practical resources for faith communities wanting to widen their welcome to children and adults with disabilities. Christine is Program Director for Anabaptist […]
Bethany Fish Fry
The senior class will hold a semiannual fish fry on Friday, November 1, from 4:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (carryout begins at 4:00). Come for an evening of fellowship, homemade pie, and all the fish you can eat. Tickets are $9 for adults and carryout and $5 for children K-6 (preschool-age free). Tickets may be […]
Vesper Chorale Performance Invitation
Sing with us! Vesper Chorale extends an invitation to experienced singers who have sung Handel’s Messiah (or comparable works) to join them in presenting this most beloved oratorio. We will be having 2 Performances (Saturday, December 14 and Sunday, December 15). Registration is required, and space is limited so visit our website for additional details […]
Clinton Frame Mennonite Church 150th Anniversary
Clinton Frame Mennonite Church will reminisce, fellowship, and give thanks, celebrating 150 years together as a congregation. The festivities will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 12 and 13 at the church (located at 63846 County Road 35, Goshen, IN). On Saturday evening the fun will begin at 6:30 p.m. as those gathered will enjoy a light-hearted look at […]
Congregational Appreciative Inquiry
The Spiritual Leadership Team of Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship has been given the task of “assessing how well the congregation is living its vision and mission.” To that end we are planning for an afternoon/evening of “Appreciative Inquiry” at the church on November 3rd. During this process we will be listening in a structured way to […]
Meals On Wheels Having A Nelson’s Chicken Fundraiser
Meals On Wheels of Goshen is having a Nelson’s Chicken fundraiser on October 4, which is this First Friday. The money raised will help cover the cost of meals that go out to our clients who can’t afford to pay at all or the full amount of the meal. These meals provide nourishment for homebound Goshen residents […]
New to the Library
This week we add four titles to our library collection! Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World – This is the story of how a rosy-cheeked, barefoot Mennonite farm girl prepared to enter the glittering world as a distinguished professor of English, eight years as president of Goshen College and six years as vice president […]
Mennonite Youth Choir Festival
Your Child. One Weekend. Loving Sacred Music The Mennonite Youth Choir Festival is taking registrations for the 23rd Annual Festival, to be held March 1 and 2, 2014, at the Goshen College Music Center. This festival invites singers from all faith communities in grades 3-9 to participate. Your registration may be completed on the website […]
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