News Archives

July 23, 2014

Help Central American Migrants

Central American families fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries and arriving at the U.S. border, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has begun an initial response and is planning further assistance. For years MCC has provided services and resources as U.S. congregations welcome newcomers, and supported projects to address the root causes of migration so […]

July 18, 2014

Goshen College board appoints new chair

The Goshen College board of directors has appointed Conrad Clemens of Tucson, Arizona, as its new chairperson. Clemens, a 1985 Goshen College graduate and current professor of pediatric medicine and associate dean at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, was elected by the board to replace outgoing chair Rick Stiffney, whose term as board […]

July 18, 2014

Helping Families in Gaza

In the second week of the most recent Israel-Hamas conflict, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) through one of its long-time partners in Gaza, Al Najd Development Forum, began distributing locally purchased food to 230 families, and is preparing for a longer-term response. You can give to this effort at, by calling 1-888-563-4676 or by sending […]

July 10, 2014

Storm Clean Up

We wish to extend our continued thanks to all Berkey family members who have come out to help clear fallen branches, limbs, and brush all around the church property. There was a lot of work to be done and many folks came out to help in the effort. There is plenty of fire wood available […]

July 10, 2014

MYF Service Trip

MYF posing for a picture during their recent service trip. The MYF would like to thank the congregation for their prayer and financial support of our service trip to Jamestown, CO, the week of June 30. We were blessed to work with Mennonite Disaster Service and serve the community of Jamestown. Special thanks to those […]

July 3, 2014

Free Seminar for Congregations

IN-MI Mennonite Conference is sponsoring a free web/phone seminar on financial development for congregations. In just one hour, “Giving for a Change” will provide an overview of the current financial landscape, connect ministry to budgeting, and offer tips on the most productive steps for your congregation. Rich Gerig from Advancement Associates and Brad Miller from […]

July 2, 2014

Letter from the Conference Pastor

On this first day (well, second day now) of July I greet you in the name of Jesus who lives and walks among us. I give thanks for your ministry and for the ministry of your congregation in the community where you are located. May you continue finding meaningful ways to engage with the community, […]

June 26, 2014

Maple City Health Care Center 25th Anniversary

Maple City Health Care Center invites the public to attend our 25th anniversary celebration on Saturday, July 12, 2014 from 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Activities include facility tours (a walk through history), children’s activities, refreshments, and a program of storytelling. The location for activities between 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. is Maple City Health […]

June 25, 2014

MCC reaching out to Iraqis displaced by armed conflict

As armed conflict forces Iraqis from their homes, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is providing vital items for daily life and is planning with partner organizations for an ongoing response. MCC also is calling on U.S. lawmakers to oppose military intervention in Iraq and instead to send humanitarian aid for the U.N.-estimated 1.9 million internally displaced […]

June 17, 2014

The Window’s Needed Contributions

You make a difference! Without your generous donations, many of those in our community would be hungry and cold. Below are this months outlined needs. Katie’s Kitchen Gallon Sized Juices Drink Mixes Kool-Aid 16 oz. Cans of Tomato Juice Coffee Individual Fruit, Jello or Pudding cups Tortilla Chips & Shells Canned Chicken & Tuna Fresh […]

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