Easter Sunday
Everyone is invited to the Easter Sunday Breakfast, March 27. Breakfast will begin at 9:00 a.m.; the morning service at 10:00 a.m. Nurture classes will not be meeting. For our Easter breakfast this year, we are using PerfectPotluck.com to sign up for dishes to be shared. Please note that this is a different website than […]
Berkey House for Rent
The red house beside the church will be available to rent in April. It has 4 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms. The cost is $750 per month. Gas and electric are the responsibility of the tenant. We are offering a one-year lease with month-to-month rental after the first year. If you’re interested, please contact Lowell Nafziger, […]
Care Package Request
MYFers are making care packages for college students on Wednesday, March 23. If you would like to add items to the care packages (baked goods, jams, games, etc), please drop them off in the fellowship hall between now and the March 23 (unless items are perishable, then drop them off closer to the date). There […]
Life Stage Sunday School class: 30s and 40s
This spring there will be a new life stage Sunday school class with a focus on deepening relationships and exploring our faith with a (somewhat) consistent group of people in a similar life stage. The starting few are mostly in our 30s and we welcome others. We will study a variety of topics chosen and […]
Stephen Ministry Training Continues: Professionals and Resources
This coming week the Stephen Ministry training class will be considering the subject of “Using Mental Health Professionals and Other Community Resources”. In this presentation they will be discovering the many and varied resources that exist in our community to help meet people’s specific needs. Those who are participating in Stephen Ministry training are excited […]
Bible Alive Class
The “Bible Alive” class will continue during Nurture Hour for another quarter. New persons are most welcome to join us in the Children’s Music Room after they are done singing. The Bible Alive class starts with scripture passages in various translations. The goal is to involve persons with varying gifts and abilities to read and […]
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