News Archives

March 17, 2017

​Berkey Cookbook

A small committee will be making Berkey’s first cookbook to raise funds for Berkey and for a community agency. They would like each family to participate in the project​ by submitting 1-3 favorite recipes​.​ With your recipes: Share why the​y are your favorite (50 words or less). ​T​ype or print ​the recipes ​on 8 1/2​”​ […]

March 10, 2017

Youth Summer Camp Designated Fund

We invite you to consider making a contribution to Berkey Avenue’s Youth Summer Camp designated fund this month. We anticipate several requests for financial assistance to help church youth experience a week of camp this summer at either Camp Amigo or Camp Friedenswald and would like to be able to give generously. A week of […]

March 10, 2017

Spring Forward

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 12. Remember to move your clocks forward one hour before going to bed Saturday night so that you come to Worship at the correct time.

March 10, 2017

Service Project

The Mission Commission has organized a service project at the Depot on Wednesday, March 15, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. The project will include sorting items. To volunteer, look for the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. If you have a question, contact Ron Good, 537-1978 (home) or 238-7930 (cell).

March 10, 2017

Financial Aid

The Everence Sharing Funds provided $1,285.50 in matching funds to support special needs in our church last year. Phil Bauman serves as the Everence advocate for our congregation. Please contact him for more information.

March 3, 2017

Weekly Peace and Justice Concerns Actions

If you would like to receive weekly updates regarding actions you can take related to social justice concerns please contact James Yoder. The updates will include information regarding organized efforts to communicate our concerns to federal, state and local representatives through phone calls, letter writing, attendance at town hall meetings and rallies.

March 3, 2017

Bible School

Save the date!! Summer Bible School will be June 5-9. More details are coming soon.

March 3, 2017

Berkey Prayer Circle

The Prayer Circle of three to five people meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through individual concerns specifically expressed to us. All prayer requests are kept confidential. […]

March 3, 2017

Desserts Needed

As part of our Teacher Appreciation Meal we would like to have a table filled with delicious desserts from people in the congregation. If you would like to make a dessert for the meal, please sign up here. The username is desserts. The password is bamf. Or, contact Ruth Roth.

March 3, 2017

Teacher Appreciation Meal

All Nurture Hour teachers, music leaders and class coordinators along with your families are invited to a special meal at noon on Sunday, March 19. We are blessed to have so many wonderful teachers and leaders in Christian Education from the Nursery to adult classes. This is our small way to say THANK YOU for […]

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