Vision for the Future
“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 3:11
Our vision is to live Christ’s loving, caring, healing presence in the world. In carrying out this vision, we will embrace both intimacy and invitation as primary values. This means we will:
Stress the importance of deepening our personal relationships with God and with each other. This includes the strengthening of our mutual caring and the depth of our spiritual interaction with each other. (Intimacy)
- Strive to be an inviting, welcoming, hospitable congregation, seeking to share our faith in Jesus Christ with other people, while also inviting God into our lives in new ways. (Invitation)
We also commit to:
- Participate in meaningful, vibrant worship.
- Continue a high level of involvement in mission, both local and global.
- Conduct dynamic children, youth, and adult nurture activities.
- Encourage spiritual growth.
We recognize that the foundation of our life together is Jesus Christ. We further acknowledge that any growth as a church body will come as a result of building on this foundation in the power and wisdom of the Spirit.
Approved at the June 14, 1998 congregational meeting.
Revision approved at the May 16, 2010 congregational meeting
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