Through Lent (February 17-April 3), Berkey’s pastors invite you to “Casually Deep Conversations” on Wednesday evenings from 8:00 to 9:00 pm. Via Zoom, these free-flowing conversations will center on the theme of the following Sunday’s worship service, the scripture focus for that service, and how your personal stories and experiences connect with them. You are invited to read the scripture and view some questions beforehand to help you reflect on the theme. A Zoom link will be emailed each Wednesday. Beyond that, there is no preparation necessary – you are enough!
This Wednesday’s Conversation for the March 21 Worship Service is “Deep in the earth: Called to deep growth” Read and reflect:
- Read John 12:20-33. What words strike you after reading these verses? What thoughts come to you?
- John’s gospel contains several stories where people are invited to “come and see” Jesus. Why do you think Jesus did not immediately go to the Greeks who asked to see him? Why would Jesus “hide himself” (v. 36) after he finished speaking?
- Put yourself among the Greeks searching for Jesus at the festival. What do you want to see? What are you looking for?
- Think of times that either you’ve sacrificed something for someone else or someone else has sacrificed something for you. What was it? For what reason was it sacrificed?
- We’ve all had to sacrifice something over the past year because of the pandemic. What have you learned about yourself? What have you learned about what it means to be the church? What rituals or practices do you hope to continue?
- One of Berkey’s goals is “to help each person engage Christ’s ministry in the Goshen community, both intergenerationally and interculturally. To grow towards this goal, what are some things that we might have to sacrifice? What are the things we would gain?