Healer, Healer, Healer, Healer, Healer

February 9, 2025




I’ve been thinking a lot about the heart of God lately. Wanting to draw close. To dwell there. To touch the living water. And also wanting to be moved to love like God loves. To see the world as God sees it.

I think God’s heart is filled with compassion and love and mercy. I think God’s heart is moved for us and for the world. We say that God is love after all.

When I dwell in God’s heart, I also experience a steadiness there.

A depth. Calm. Courage. Clarity.

I do not think God is immobilized by our world. Or surprised.

I think God knows- and has known. And God aches. And God loves- love and compassion that flows out into creation and is available for us. And that we can be conduits of it even.

But it starts with God.

Bible References

  • Luke 7:1 - 17